History of Faerun

  • approx. 3.1 mya
    Dawn of Sentients
    Era beginning/end

  • approx. 1.5 mya
    Elven Fae Bonding

    Unearthed early writings from the ancient elves indicate that they acquired magic from the fae during this time.

    More reading
    Dying Sea Scrolls
  • approx. 800,000 ya
    Magnin's Reign
    Life, Career

    Caer Castellin
    More reading
    King Magnin Gemshifter
  • approx. 10,000 ya
    The Event
    Disaster / Destruction

    An unknown event causes a severe reduction in sentient populations across Faerun. Historical records from before this time are scarce.

  • 1,000 ya
    Era of War Begins
    Era beginning/end

    Dawn of Sentients Ends / Era of War Begins   During the Era of War, much of the historical body of knowledge from the times prior was destroyed.

  • 1-9 EW
    The Storm War
    Military action

    The long-standing dwarven city of Tethyamar engages in a territorial war with the Storm Giant Kingdom, which attempts to take the city. Tethyamar is successful in its defense and scatters the Storm Giant Kingdom after executing its king.

    More reading
    The Storm War
  • 385-400 EW
    The Peaceful War
    Military action

    The Era of War escalates to a global conflict and pits the worlds' major religions against each other, ending with the decision to exile the Tethyamari Dwarves.

    More reading
    The Peaceful War
  • 400 EW
    Tethyamar Sealed
    Population Migration / Travel

    The dwarves' underground home of Tethyamar is sealed by rune magic, keeping the rest of the world from exploiting the magic-infused tethorite ore found inside.

    More reading
  • 402 EW
    Thayan Pseudo-war
    Military action

    Contention rises between the kingdoms of the Civilized West and the eastern kingdom of Thay over disagreement over the exile of the Thethyamari dwarves. Although no battles were fought, mutual threat leads Thay to peacefully secede from global relations entirely.

  • 750 EW
    Birth of Anteries Solander
    Life, Birth

    Anteries Solander is born to Reyven and Kenyatta Solander and the Church of Light unites globally. An unknown explosion decimates the capital of Procampur and is interpreted as a sign from Aethon to halt religious warring in the world.

  • 870 EW
    The Union
    Era beginning/end

    Era of War Ends / Post-Union Begins   The remaining churches of legal gods unite following the Church of Light's example and construct a union between religions. In effort to maintain peace, the Union of Churches formally bans the worship of exiled gods.

  • 11 PU
    Invention of Clever
    Scientific achievement

    Advancement of technology allowed in times of peace lead to the development of several new substances, including Clever. The Silver Sickle forms around production of the drug.

    More reading
  • 36 PU
    Invention of Illuration
    Scientific achievement

    Cael Amberspark becomes the first sentient to successfully combine two schools of magic, inventing an unstable amalgam of illusion and conjuration.

    More reading
    Cael Amberspark
  • 41-43 PU
    The Spice War
    Military action

    In the only major conflict since the Peaceful War, the Civilized West attempts to annex the Chultan Peninsula from the Wild South. The attempt fails when a naval deserter from Baldur's Gate assists Chult in its defense.

    More reading
    The Spice War
  • 102 PU
    Rediscovery of Magnin's Bone Brush
    Life, Supernatural

    A young dhampir named Narcissa Crow discovers Magnin's Bone Brush and unlocks powerful wild magic.

    More reading
    Magnin's Bone Brush
  • 114 PU
    Disappearance of Clever

    The Shades of Shar begin coordinated persecution of changelings in hiding and successfully kill the leader of the Silver Sickle. With the death of their leader, the clan halts production of the drug Clever.

  • 126 PU
    Reappearance of Clever

    The changeling Mairs claims the mantle of leadership for the Silver Sickle and reinvigorated the organization's Clever production and distribution.

  • 127 PU
    Tethyamar Reopened

    The Zhentarim manage to find a way to break the runic seal on Tethyamar and claim the city for themselves, mining and distributing the rare ore tethorite at high price.

    More reading
  • 130 PU
    Campaign Begins

    Tandy Jenwell summons a group of adventurers to Nearforest to investigate sightings of a thought-to-be-extinct species, the Casino Hawk.