A Mind of Its Own

Read or paraphrase the following as the PC goes to meet Master Elias at the Teleportation Circle:  
You wind your way down a spiral staircase enclosed within thick stone walls. At the bottom, a narrow hallway leads to a tall iron door. The two guards standing watch over the Teleportation Circle nod at your approach and open the door. Inside the gray ancient chamber, Master Elias fusses about the edge of a circle of intricate lines. Arcane runes pulsate in rhythm to his utterances.
  Master Elias greets the PC somewhat absentmindedly while he finishes preparing the teleportation spell.  He informs the PC that their family will be anticipating their arrival and should have someone waiting there to receive them. Pride glimmers behind bright blue eyes as he asks if the PC is ready.    
Master Elias lifts his arms overhead, chanting the final phrases of his incantation. A warm glow spreads across your chest as he speaks. In defiance of gravity, your amulet rises up in front of your face! Before you can react, your mentor finishes his spell, and a garnet flash bursts from inside your amulet. A sharp scream erupts beside you as the full-body compression of teleportation begins.
Completion Date
21 Ches, 1491 DR
Plot type
Act 1; Final Scene
Related Characters
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