Part One: Festival Preparations

Warm afternoon sunlight pours through the large windows of the library which, combined with the droning voice of your mentor, Master Elias, creates an intensely soporific effect. Eh-hem. A sharp but good-natured reprimand startles you from your drowsiness.
  Master Elias has been lecturing extensively on a rather boring subject and is unsurprised that his most promising pupil has dozed off. He has several pieces of information to share with the PC about the upcoming festivals in Waterdeep and how to prepare for their journey:
  • Between Fey Day and the Fleetswake celebration, they’ll be gone almost two weeks, or a ten day plus two days, according to the Waterdhavians.
  • It’s important they help make a show of Amn’s good faith relationship with the powerful, wealthy families of the Sword Coast.
  • ThePC’s family went ahead.  Master Elias and the PC are the last of the court and their attendants to go.
  • Lieutenant Bharmyr (the PC’s martial trainer) is counting on the PC getting in one more training session before the journey.
  • The PC should pack a variety of gear. One never knows what to expect in Waterdeep, especially during the Fey Day and Fleetswake festivities.
  Once Master Elias has explained the information above, he reminds the PC that they are to meet him later that afternoon to teleport to Waterdeep.   After the PC has concluded their conversation with Master Elias, they should make their way to their final training session with Lieutenant Bharmyr.
Completion Date
19 Ches, 1491 DR
Plot type
Act 1; Scene 1
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