Put Through the Paces

A massive stone room serves as Lieutenant Bharmyr’s training area. In one area, castle carpenters have erected a massive obstacle course to simulate a variety of combat scenarios. Behind the structure, a sand pit serves as a practice arena. In honor of the PC’s upcoming trip, Lieutenant Bharmyr has designed something special.   Bharmyr observes the PC as they navigate the course and is available for advice and instruction as the PC proceeds through the course.   [DM’s note: The goal of this mini-dungeon is to get the PC familiar with rolling and adding modifiers. Their progress through the obstacle course is more about developing this familiarity and practicing problem solving than it is a perfect execution of the course.]   Lieutenant Bharmyr has longcared for the physical education of the PC.  He is gruff but well-meaning and loyal.  He has the following information to relay to the PC  before they begin the obstacle course:
  • ThePC should bewarned that this challenge may be a little more intense than usual. After they navigate the obstacle course, they should be ready for the sudden arrival of (practice) combatants.
  • Afterwards, the PC should go pack for the journey and meet Elias to teleport.
  • Also, the PC’s dear friend Remmy Sullivan was looking for them. He believes Remmy was on his way back to the kitchens.

Plot points/Scenes

The Obstacle Course

The smell of freshly worked pine greets your nostrils as you step over the course’s threshold and enter your trainer’s newest death-trap. Suddenly, the light from the magic torches illuminating the room flickers and then goes out. Darkness surrounds you. Bharmyr’s laugh echoes across the training grounds.
  Depending on the PC’s abilities, they should be able to figure out darkness with a torch, magic, or darkvision.   Ahead, they see a corridor made of solid wood. After a short hallway, there is a solid wooden door.   Trapped Door. The door is mechanically trapped. A DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals that the door is rigged with a wire that will drop sticky goo over someone that opens the door without care.  Success on a DC 10 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check disables the trap. Failure results in a bucket of sticky goo falling on the PC, but a successful DC 10 Dexterity saving throw allows them to jump out of the way just in time.   Beyond the door there are two choices: an unknotted rope they can climb up or a dark pool of water.   Rope. The rope requires a successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check to climb. At the top there is a zipline to the sand arena.   Pool. The pool is dark. A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check allows the PC to traverse the water and find an opening on the other side. Assume twenty seconds for each check and narrate the search as the PC navigates the pool. [After three failures, they may need to turn back and attempt the rope.] After finding the opening, the PC finds a ladder leading up and out of the obstacle course. They emerge at the edge of the arena.    
The moment your feet touch the sand, you are on your toes for the combatants you know will arrive any moment to test your skills. Most likely, Bharmyr will send in Torvald as Dresik is probably still recovering from your sparring yesterday.

The Practice Arena

Bharmyr's Arena Base Map Image
Before combat starts, the PC should make a Wisdom (Perception) check contested by Dresik and Torvald’s Dexterity (Stealth). Dresik is hiding across the arena while Torvald crouches behind barrels closer to the PC’s point of arrival. The weapons they wield are non-lethal, and the PC understands that they can use the blunt of their weapon(s) in combat.   [DM’s note: Depending on your own comfort and the PC’s Wisdom (Perception) check, you can have both of the guards attack the PC at once or one at a time.  The purpose of this combat is to allow the player to practice this part of game play.]   After the combat concludes, a castle healer approaches and gives the PC a sparkly purple potion.  This potion restores their hit points and any spell slots they may have used.
Completion Date
19 Ches, 1491 DR
Plot type
Act 1; Scene 2
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