Farewell, My Friend

After the arena exercise, play out an interaction between Bharmyr and the PC. The lieutenant encourages them to prepare and cautions them to be on guard during the journey. If the PC needs encouragement, Bharmyr can prompt them to say farewell to anyone they need to as the Festival runs for two weeks.   Regardless of if the PC goes to their room to prepare or if they go searching for Elias or their friend Remmy, they encounter the latter.   The goal of this role-playing encounter is to introduce more complexity and character development in the form of Wisdom (Insight) and Charisma (Deception) checks. Additionally, this conversation encourages the player to participate in shared world-building.  The information they create and provide contributes to character development and the level of detail of the story world.

Plot points/Scenes

Remmy Sullivan

  Despite the differences of their age and birth, Remmy Sullivan is a dear friend of the PC. He is delighted to spend time chatting with his friend though unhappy about not being able to attend the festivals in Waterdeep.  The PC and Remmy have both been busy and haven’t spoken in the last few days.   Remmy has the following topics to discuss with his friend:
  • What (if anything) are they looking forward to at the festival. Are they excited to run into anyone in particular?  What usually happens atthese things anyway?
[DM’s note: Your player may need additional encouragement to add these sorts of world details.  Assure them that nothing they say will be wrong and that you’re curious to hear more about their character and their character’s past.]  
  • Remmy is also curious about how the PC has been lately. How is their family or others they’re close to?
  • He reluctantly laments not being “important enough” to attend the festival. He’s frustrated by his station in the castle, his lack of opportunity, and his separation from his friend. Remmy says all of this genuinely, confiding his frustration to the PC.
  • Depending on the PC’s backstory (see supplementary character sheets for ideas), he may be worried that they will not be able to return from the festival or that their stay will be prolonged beyond the two weeks.
  As theconversation develops, Remmy becomes increasingly withdrawn. To fully notice and understand this (in the mechanics and not just in the RP), ask the PC to make a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check, with advantage for familiarity. A success reminds them that Remmy is discouraged by the rigid social structure of Amn and is scared of losing his best friend.   When it is time to shift the scene, a servant or messenger arrives to fetch the PC and escort them to where Elias is waiting in the Teleportation Circle.
Completion Date
19 Ches, 1491 DR
Plot type
Act 1; Scene 3
Related Session Reports


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