Gimblekanks Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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An illusionist that keeps track of everything going on at the keep

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is a wee old man. Wirey and small he's got some back problems. He's not beating anyone in any kind of contest of strength but he's still quick enough to get ya good with his claws and able to move around the keep easily enough.

Special abilities

  • Arcane Recovery / Improved Minor Illusion / Malleable Illusions / Illusory Self
  • Darkvision / Grovel, Cower, and Beg / Pack Tactics / Sunlight Sensitivity
  • Chef / Squat Nimbleness

Apparel & Accessories

Wanders around in a tank top and loose fitting pants.

Specialized Equipment

  • Arcane Grimoire +3
  • Robe of Stars
  • Orb of the Stein Rune
  • Handy Haversack
  • Eversmoking Bottle

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to a clan of kobolds in the sword mountains, gimblekanks grew up needing to be clever to survive. He and his clan would regularly raid and attack travelers to survive and on one such occasion they attacked the arch-mage melren. He laid waste to his companions and it was only when he expressed some intelligence that Melren took interest in him.   He was adopted in a sense by Melren and began learning magic. It quickly became apparent Gimblekanks wasn't a fighter so melren had him schooled in the arts of illusion magic to help protect himself. Gimblekanks was still extremely young and saw melren as a father figure but he was extremely restrictive. They would go on to establish the weeping peak and Gimble acted as both student and assistant to the mage. They would open the permenant planar portal and see the formation of all of the servents of melren except hala.   This went on for several years, with Gimble increasing in skill but eventually the assault on the weeping peak occurred and while gimblekanks joined the fight to protect his master his illusions didn't hold up in the face of other master wizards. He was knocked unconcious but spared.   He woke up to the corpse of his adoptive father and he fell into a deep depression. He had handled the management of every area of the peak but the library and it all fell to disarray until the windblown came to visit. Gimblekanks was in a stooper but the prospect of proper visitors pulled him up and with the help of seeker and conrad he was able to pull the keep together. He was hurt, at first, at the thought of people living in his home but he liked having company and would come to enjoy being the caretaker of this facility.   As the membership grew gimblekanks became a figurehead of the company and found himself as an iconic figure amond the mercenary members. To this day he takes a great deal of pride in managing the minutiae of running a mercenary company.




Taught by the arch magi Melren and studied under several members of the magical community in illusion magic and their servants in home management.


Steady employment with the windblown

Mental Trauma

Melren had a very particular way of doing things and if Gimblekanks didn't get in line he would be berrated and mocked. Its only since he's spent so much time away from his abuser and around the windblown that he's come to terms with who he actually wants to be. He's definitely coming out of his shell

Intellectual Characteristics

He is used to being in control of the minor details of everything going on. When people are exercising some authority over an area he normally controlls he's not as chill as he could be when telling them to mind their own business.   He's geniuinely compassionate and sincere when authority isn't involved.

Morality & Philosophy

He's got a house to maintain and there is no price too high to maintain that.

Personality Characteristics


He found his purpose as a caretaker then lost the subject of his care. Now he's got a new family and they're fuckin slobs i mean honestly what would these people do without him. He knows he needs them just as much as they need him to help take care of their shared home.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Acrobatics +4 (adv)
  • Arcana +9
  • Athletics +2 (adv)
  • Investigation +9
  • Nature +9
    Ineptitudes +1
  • Deception
  • Intimidation
  • Performance
  • Persuasion

Likes & Dislikes

  • Type A organization
  • Excellent Cooking
  • Performance Art
  • Romance Novels
  • Sloppyness
  • Manipulation
  • Half assed effort into any task

Virtues & Personality perks

His entire identity is set with taking care of other people and he holds himself to the highest standards when he comes to keeping the peak up to par. He's extremely ride or die.

Vices & Personality flaws

He is super controlling. When it comes to anything related to the peak, he will be deeply hurt if not consulted.   Its not really a flaw but gimblekanks has never been much of a cook and he feels bad not being able to live up to that standard.



Friend (Important)

Towards Gimblekanks




Friend (Important)

Towards Barrin




These two immediately hit it off. Gimble had been feeling kind of lost after everything that happened with Melren and while he went back to taking care of the keep as usual once the windblown moved in most of them were actively going on missions or working on the prep for them. Barrin was the first support staff member they brought on that wasn't related to fighting and they really bonded over the years working to prepare food and move supplies throughout the peak.


Friend (Important)

Towards Gimblekanks




Friend (Important)

Towards Carlyle




Carlyle fucking sucks down food and Gimblekanks is glad to make sure a young dragon is being taken care of. He and Barrin have taken her under their wings and begun teaching her how to make quick easy version of the recipies she loves the most. They are all in the draconic family and share a bond and food preferences because of it.


Friend (Important)

Towards Gimblekanks




Friend (Important)

Towards Barrin




Gimblekanks was pretty abrasive to start but he had been through a lot and barrin was used to working with pretty rough people. After it became clear Barrin was unrelentingly wholesome and genuinely there to reduce the workload for gimble the relationship changed and they began to bond quickly. Now they're constantly gossiping and shooting the shit while they're working. Barrin will sometimes even help with the more physical aspects of Gimble's maintenance of the keep while continuing a conversation.

Current Location
Date of Birth
8 Elient, 1210 DR
Sword Mountains
Current Residence
The Weeping Peak
He / Him
Bright Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Red and Brown
83 lb
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
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