Carlyle Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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A Young White Dragon stolen by an Ancient Crystal Dragon as an egg and raised by the Temple of Mystra with the help of the Order of the Silver Scale.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Strong and healthy, she might be mentally different from other white dragons but physically she's on their level.

Identifying Characteristics

She looks pretty standard for a white dragon but has a series of arcane glyphs engraved along her scales in mithral which helps her channel her spellcasting in dragon form.   As a human she has pale skin, lips that look like they're blue from frost bite and bags under her eyes. Her hair always has a few ice crystals, like she just came in out of the cold.

Special abilities

  • 40 ft. walking, 20 ft. burrowing, 40 ft. swimming, 80 ft. flying
  • Ice Walk / Change Shape / Legendary Resistance
  • Innate Spellcasting / Arcane Spellcasting / Eyes of the Rune Keeper
  • Cold Breath / Multi Attack

Apparel & Accessories

She has a harness to allow riders as a dragon. As a human she wears a simple tunic and pants with sturdy leather boots.

Specialized Equipment

  • Sending Stones

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Stolen from a white dragon lair as an egg, Carlyle was cared for by the Crystal Dragon Yiarni, until she hatched, and then was given to the High Temple of Mystra to be raised and trained in magic and service. It wasn't quite that simple though, as part of an experiment, Yiarni magically enhanced the clutches intelligence and sent them off to be fostered in different places in an attempt to temper their more feral instincts typically found in white dragons.   She grew up in the halls of the high temple with her 'sister' Hallia. She attended lessons, spent time in prayer and went on assignments in service to mystra like any other accolyte. Eventually she grew large enough that she did not fit in the halls but the priests and teachers had forseen this problem and taught her some base magics to help her alter her form to blend in a bit easier.   Eventually she and Hallia started goign on assignmetns to find and investigate more remote laboratories and lairs of long dead arcanists. The Mountains bordering around Halruaa were lousy with ones that became monumentally easier to get to with Carlyle's natural flight. She could get a bit claustrophobic so she would generally distract or fight guards and stand watch while Hallia entered the lairs to investigate. They had a staggering success rate as a pair and were sent to the far north of the sword coast to expand their searches and establish contact with other temples of Mystra.   On the way to Waterdeep they stopped to investigate what should have been the empty ruins of the weeping peak, home to the recently deceased arch mage Melren the pair were charmed and abducted by a lich living in a hideout in the star mountains. They were captured and experimented on for about a month before being rescued by Avel, Seteth, and Xior of the windblown. In captivity the pair met Tilo and all 3 were taken back to the peak for treatment, and would eventually be recruited into the company.   For Carlyle, the peak acts as a sort of lair, though with none of the magical effects that entails. After a few years there she has come to think of it as a home, where she and Hallia are able to continue their work but also profit off of it while still quarentining dangerous artifacts and knowledge.   On top of her continued work with Hallia, she has been working with Seteth to draw out her innate spell casting and practice developing her lair senses. With Avel to control her prey drive in the field and cut loose in the off time. With Barrin and Gimblekanks in the kitchens, using ice breath to top of the freezers and using cooking to enforce discipline and as a form of meditation. She feel accepted among the extremely diverse group that occupies the peak. At the temple she was accepted and loved but always stood out, here she feels like she belongs and thinks its possible she might make it her home for good.




Studied for years with the Acolytes at the High Temple of Mystra on Mt. Talath. She was trained in the history of temples and laboratories. Basically anywhere anyone used to practice magic on any scale, and how to safely navigate and retrieve teachings and relics from them.


Has steady employment working research and excavation jobs for the windblown. Due to her inate flight speed and limited ability to teleport via circle, she also acts as ride for a members if they need to get somewhere fast or quiet.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She revels in her training and her success record in recovering magical items and records thought lost. She also draws a great deal of pride from the control of her natural abilities. Innate spell casting and shape changing are not feats white dragons show often and she has at least partially mastered them at a very young age.

Failures & Embarrassments

She's ashamed of her claustrophobia and while she knows Hallia can handle herself in dungeons, she wishes she was brave enough to sneak in with her.

Mental Trauma

She struggles with her nature, she feels compelled to do things that she recognizes are stupid and animalistic but she is compelled none the less. She doesn't wonder about the life she could have had if she hadn't been taken but she just wishes it was easier to live the life she has now.

Intellectual Characteristics

She's scared of her own potential, she has trouble letting loose and a lot of issues with her anxiety and fears. She's also deeply intelligent and despite her fears she never fails to step up when the time comes, especially when its for a friend.

Morality & Philosophy

She puts on a facade of high minded morality but honestly she's only really bothered by heinous crimes.

Personality Characteristics


Carlyle's main drive is to continue her work for the temple, but she also wants to discover more about herself. She's a bit of an enigma and has instincts she's trying to balance with life among other races (building a lair, establishing a horde, and some of the more feral traits more commonly associated with white dragons).

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Arcana +7
  • Perception +6
  • Stealth +3
  • Blindsight 30 ft. / Darkvision 120 ft.
  • Immune to cold damage
  Ineptitudes +0
  • Animal Handling
  • Insight
  • Medicine

Likes & Dislikes

  • Food
  • Hunting (both animals and treasure)
  • Nature
  • Heat
  • Losing at board games
  • Natural born white dragons

Virtues & Personality perks

She strives harder than most people to be better and do better. She has a lot to struggle with but she generally has a positive attitude and is always willing to fight to protect people.

Vices & Personality flaws

She loves stalking and hunting prey and it takes some real energy to fight that around people. Kind of like a domesticated house cat but extremely lethal.



Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Carlyle




Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Hallia




Basically sisters, they grew up sharing a room and are rougly the same age both in years lived and species maturity. They trained together at the temple, went on assignments together, and each of their strengths covers the weaknesses of the other. Both emotionally and physically. Hallia is more adept at magic and analysis, and Carlyle has a stronger intuition and physical abilities. They rarely ever fight and continue to work together with the windblown.


Friend (Important)

Towards Avel




Friend (Important)

Towards Carlyle




They met when Hallia and Carlyle joined the windblown. Immediately hit it off as people that are accepted by their groups but don't exactly feel like they belong. They both struggle with their nature and controlling their instincts, and hold each other accountable. They also enjoy hunting in the woods around the peak and gimblekank's coffee.


Member (Important)

Towards The Windblown - Relationship



The Windblown - Relationship

Company (Important)

Towards Carlyle




Carlyle feels at home here in a way that she never did at the temple of mystra. They also let her continue her work with Hallia and generate some money to pursue her own interests here. She has a good gig here and despite her innate power she's not the strongest one in the room so she's not over burdened with requests for her abilities. Its a very successful relationship so far.


Cooking Instructor (Important)

Towards Carlyle




Student (Important)

Towards Barrin




Carlyle fucking sucks down food and Barrin is delighted to have someone who enjoys his cooking so much. He and Gimblekanks have taken her under their metaphorical wings and begun teaching her how to make quick easy version of the recipies she loves the most. They are all in the draconic family and share a bond and food preferences because of it.


Game Partner (Important)

Towards Rennura




Game Partner (Important)

Towards Carlyle




Their relationship started when Rennura lured her into a game of cards at the peak's tavern. He absolutely obliterated her, using magic and practice to cheat which set her off. Out of spite she continued to play him over and over until she won. She never did. So now they meet up regularly to play a variety of games and Carlyle has found, even though she hates losing, it can be fun to try to work out how best to play Rennura. He loves having a partner to practice with. Dragon's eyes are much sharper than most human's and basically everyone else at the peak has already learned not to engage with him when it comes to any kind of game. She rages and rants and prays for the dwarf's firey demise but she's really having a good time.


Friend (Important)

Towards Gimblekanks




Friend (Important)

Towards Carlyle




Carlyle fucking sucks down food and Gimblekanks is glad to make sure a young dragon is being taken care of. He and Barrin have taken her under their wings and begun teaching her how to make quick easy version of the recipies she loves the most. They are all in the draconic family and share a bond and food preferences because of it.

Current Location
Date of Birth
16 Nightal, 1445 DR
Long White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Celestial, Common, Draconic, Eyes of the Rune Keeper
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