Council of Lords - Ravens Bluff Organization in Faerun | World Anvil
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Council of Lords - Ravens Bluff


  • Lord Speaker - a leader for the council of lords elected from among their ranks. - Serone Moonguide - Leonin F - BK - There are also 32 seats that represented the long-standing noble families of Ravens Bluff.
    • Yanarei Ampner - Tiefling M - Ent
    • Saxore Balathorn - Leonin F - Ent
    • Faint Path Blacktree - Tabaxi M - BK
    • Coge Boldtalon - Owlin M - BB
    • Hurine Cathone - Half-Orc F - Ent
    • Syldithas Daradkus - Sea Elf M - Ent
    • Vilna DeSheers - Human F - BK
    • Barxiron DeVillars - Half Elf M - Independent
    • Zacharias Elvenblood - High Elf M - Independent (Windblown)
    • Slate Emmerdin - Earth Genasi F - BB
    • Cruthac Flemeer - Dragonborn M - BB
    • Yai Fleetwood - Human M - Independent
    • Tifaci Gultoss - Forest Gnome F - Ent
    • Quiris Umerin - Sea Elf M - Independent
    • Fumresh Hawkynfleur - Dragonborn F - Independent
    • Ri Indemmer - Owlin F - Independent
    • Arva Leorduin - Dwarf M - BK
    • Lassryn Liontower -Dwarf M - BB
    • Taukin Strongspeaker Longbottle - Goliath M - BB
    • Iandri MacIntyre - Rock Gnome M - BB
    • Semaj Minstralla - Human M - Ent
    • Horace Moonglow - Halfling M - BK
    • Thukio Truthgard Moorland - Goliath F - Ent
    • Josilyn Norwood - Human F - BB
    • Valbanise Palraedinor - Wood Elf F - Independent
    • Shankag Skyhawk - Hobgoblin F - BB
    • Cyclone Sinneran - Air Genasi F - Ent (Windblown)
    • Mahiri Taldavar - Tiefling F - BK
    • Drigglat Therogeon - Deep Gnome M - Independent
    • Keerva Thoden - Human F - Ent
    • Nonzuk Velgath - Orc M - Ent
    • Dargram Yarvandar - Dwarf M - BK
    - And four seats belonging to members of the Merchant Council -
    • Tomalass Blountrae - Vedalkin M - BK
    • Khauldan Risimmer - Half-Elf M - Ent
    • Subrask Swylythe - Human M - Ent
    • Yustable Tarthree - Loxodon M - Independent
  • Banded Brothers
    • Like 500 years ago some adventureres in this region went to war and got all sorts of titles and lands. Now there kids / great great great grandkids (depending on race) are nobles and only worried about making laws that keep their richboi lifestyle in tact. They only really care about keeping their own accounts full but their policies have the side effect of increasing trade overall through Ravens Bluff.
    • Problems - Literally the only thing they care about is maintaining their own wealth. Its extremely artificial, transparent and distasteful to anyone not associated with the faction. Big frat boi vibes. They're generally easy to fool and cheat but default to hiring mercenaries and assassins to handle any slight.
  • The Raven Lords
    • The name is a bold jab at the Golden Lords of Callunt they are a small, secretive group dedicated to consolidating even more power in Ravens Bluff with the intent of breaking away from Vesperin. Specifically military and commercial to allow ravens bluff to thrive even after its declared independence. This is a secret faction within the group, the members speak out towards a common goal from within other factions, advancing their policies.
    • Have infiltrated the 10% and The Enthusiasts
    • Problems - This is actually literally sedition, maybe treason and if the members are too vocal they could be killed. Fucking with this kind of money is dangerous. There is a lot of support for it and passing the policies are easy to do across many of the other factions but not easy to do without drawing attention to the members.
  • The Bird Keepers
    • Generally comprised of some of the ultra wealthy of Ravens Bluff. It involves redistributing wealth (though not so much they're not uber rich) and increasing education. They're very liberal policies but with the intent of showing up the rest of the cities on the moonsea instead of helping people. The policies tend to be very superficial without addressing larger social issues. Education, Guilds, work training, and the funding of public spaces, shelters, etc as great monuments.
    • Problems - These projects are expensive and the faction is small. Just throwing money at a problem doesn't solve it. Getting people other factions on board with legislation, and actually hiring everyone involved in executing these is a long and tricky process. Ties to various churches who do the work to help people. Also morally, it is helping people but in a pretty utilitarian way.
  • Enthusiasts
    • They focus on increasing recruitment and education to the ministry of art as well as using magic to stimulate agricultural growth by recruiting druids, build public works, and provide security and spies. Public works and high pay are a good way to recruit them, as well as creating jobs that will allow people to use their powers legally. Thinking military security and wealth will come by transitioning to a more magic centric life style. Not as extremely as thay but fairly radical to the current proportions.
    • Problems - Magical abilites are uncommon and the people that do have them aren't normally inclined towards civil intrests. Recruting younger magic users to study here or incentivising trained magic users to stay here is expensive and requires tailoring to each individual.


A pretty wide variety but there is definitely a sport of calling out other members with as much crassness and bile as possible without actually devolving to just shouting profanities. Low cunning is the name of the game and most of the members here are silver spoon having born to wealth ass bitches that would look down on actual gods, so they tend to let loose and enjoy watching other people get knocked down a peg.

Public Agenda

Drafting and refining the laws of Ravens Bluff. Continuing to get as rich as possible (for most of them at least).


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