Illigith Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Illigith Strange Hunter Egumavi

Illigith is big and tough and smacks real hard. She's got decent utility for out of combat situations but thrives in the middle of a fight.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Absolutley jacked, a real powerhouse even among windblown veterans.

Facial Features

Her long, straight, black hair is loosley braided down her back, with thick strands slipping free to obscure parts of her face. She has large, green eyes, a broad nose, a round chin and full lips.

Physical quirks

She always vigorously stretches immediately after waking up.

Special abilities

  • Fighting Style-Interception / Fighting Style - Two weapon fighting. / Extra Attack
  • Divine Sense / C.D. - Vow of Emnity / C.D - Abjure Enemy
  • Aura of Protection / Aura of Courage
  • Divine Smite / Improved Divine Smite / Relentless Avenger
  • Lay on Hands / Cleansing Touch
  • Stone's Endurance / Powerful Build / Mountain Born
  • Dual Weilder / War Caster / Medium Armor Master

Apparel & Accessories

She generally wears a knee length cloak over her armor that leaves her arms free while she's not expecting combat. She moves pretty quietly with lighter armor than most other paladins so she likes to keep everything concealed.

Specialized Equipment

  • Battleaxe +3 / Warhammer +3
  • Javelin of Returning
  • Half Plate +2
  • Belt of Dwarvenkind / Goggles of Night
  • Handy Haversack / Instant Fortress

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Unusually intelligent, she displayed a curiosity and compassion that were seen as irritating and undesired among her clan, the Egumavi. Illigith found herself exiled at 14. She lived alone for many years in an abandoned the temple of Sune in the High Forest. She learned the arts of the paladin from holy texts and fighting from her tribe. Several years later, she had learned everything she needed to make her way from the goddess and set off as an adventurer. Starting off wary but excited, the world quickly turned out to be a hard place, and she had to do several she wasn't proud of to survive. She made her way north and found herself standing at the gates of silverymoon and ended up staying at the Halls of Inspiration.   It was there she met Daermylon, a dwarven artificer during an escort mission from sundabar to silverymoon. The two hit it off. Daermylon was a survivor of the fall and recapture of the mithral halls and Illigith delighted in stories of the battles to reclaim the mountain stronghold from orcs and dragons. Some time spend working with Daermylon, she was gifted her armor and set out in search of adventure.   She made her way south to Talumin and by the time she got there she was exhausted. She set up shop as a guardian with the Temple of Sune, which is where she met Tome, and where the two would be brought on by River as some of the first members of the newly formed Windblown.




To hunt and fight from her clan, the teachings of her goddess from the temple, and history and how to apply her skills to make a living from her first friend in the wider world.


Steady employment with the windblown.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Being accepted by her goddess and granted the powers to make a difference in the world.   Making friends and holding herself to a standard of good work along the journey of her life.

Failures & Embarrassments

Being exiled from her clan was her last great embarrassment. Nothing she's faced since then has even come close.

Mental Trauma

She's lost lots of friends, some family and fought a lot of hard fights.   She grew up in a clan that didn't respect or like her. She endured escalating abuse until her eventual exile and takes it personally when she sees her situation repeating in the world.

Intellectual Characteristics

She tends to face her problems head on, but is weary of following orders blindly. She's good natured and feels compelled to go the extra mile, especially if is using her strength, for her friends and those she sees as family.

Morality & Philosophy

She believes she was given these divine powers to help people in need and make the world a better place, and mercenary work is really just an avenue to direct her towards people in need.


Domestic abuse

Personality Characteristics


She uses the windblown contracts as a method putting her in contact with people in need. If she finds out that someoen can't pay for services rendered she generally pays a large portion of the bill herself, knowing she's doing good work. (Aay and Seteth know this but keep it to themselves). She has grown extremely attached to many members of the Windblown and she does what she can for people at large, and works as one of Aay's direct reports to increase the standing and fame of her new found family.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Athletics +10
  • Intimidation +9
  • Persuasion (adv) +9
  • Animal Handling +1
  • Arcana +1
  • History +1
  • Wisdom +1

Likes & Dislikes

  • Good hardy meals with friends
  • Seeing people thriving
  • Getting the best of an opponent
  • Mountain Goliaths - she still holds a grudge
  • Bugs
  • Traveling by Sea - she gets super sick

Virtues & Personality perks

She's funny and can't help herself when she sees someone in need. She's one of the biggest recruiters of refugees and victims to The Town of Bell-mère. She's super sincere and you can't help but love her

Vices & Personality flaws

She feels the need to not just win real fights but destroy whoever she's up against.   She takes joy in having secrets no one will ever know, even if they're trivial

Personality Quirks

She gets lost really easily



Member (Vital)

Towards The Windblown - Relationship



The Windblown - Relationship

Company (Important)

Towards Illigith




Despite the level of utilitarianism from Illigith's perspective, she seed the members of the company as a replacement for the family she was bannished from, except here everyone accepts her as she is and sees her value. She uses the contracts as a way to spread good in the world.

Unread Tome

Friend (Vital)

Towards Illigith




Friend (Vital)

Towards Unread Tome




Illigith and Tome met while working together as Thorns for the Blue Roses of Talumin. They were in seperate locations but her blunt methods paired well to created opportunities for his more subtle works. They would often pair to take down more powerful abusers. They together were found by the Windblown and have been friends since.

Current Location
Date of Birth
12 Nightal 1468 DR
Date of Death
18 Kythorn 1495 DR
Circumstances of Death
Soul trapped by Krellas soul glaive, weilded by geothe
Place of Death
Moonshae Isles
Current Residence
The Weeping Peak
She / Her
Deep Green
Long black hair woven down to the mid back.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
280 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish, Giant
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