Unread Tome Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Unread Tome

A master thief, Tome does his best to use his skill set to help people in need. Not much a fighter but he's basically impossible to pin down with a huge array of skills and magical items.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Agile and quick, he's not strong but he is more than capable of navigating rooftops and fast climbing.

Physical quirks

He has to work really hard to not let his tail flick excitedly when he hears information he's been trying to discover.

Special abilities

  • Sneak Attack / Cunning Action / Uncanny Dodge / Evasion
  • Reliable Talent / Blindsense / Slippery Mind
  • Fast Hands / Second-Story Work / Supreme Sneak
  • Unarmored Defense / Martial Arts
  • Eldritch Sight / Eyes of the Rune Keeper / Feline Agility / Cats's Claws
  • Mobile / Lucky / Keen Mind / Observant

Apparel & Accessories

Tome wears simple clothing picked to be nondescript. Whatever uniform of the are he's working in, and simple cloth street clothes when he's out scouting.

Specialized Equipment

  • Luck Blade Dagger / Ring of Invisibility
  • Bead of Force x 9 / Chime of Opening / Handy Haversack / Bracers of Flying Daggeres
  • Dust of Corrosion / Disappearance / Sneaking and Choking
  • Eversmoking Bottle / Lantern of Revealing / Mask of the Beast
  • Potion of Water Breathing / Potion of Healing x2 / -> Greater
  • Wand of Secrets / Sticking Putty

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tabaxi travel from their villages to explore the world at different points in their life, both to get life experience and report back the goings on to their isolated homes. This is not such a good idea during war time. Unread Tome went on this journey with his older brother and their father, when they were set upon by rogue soldiers. The brother and father were killed but tome was small enough to get away and hide. He stole from ruined villages to survive and eventually stole from a mercenary company, The Silver Hammer, but got caught. They were impressed by his ability to steal but more so by his ability to recite every detail of the letters he stole. They took the young boy in and trained him.   As the years went on he became an extremely useful asset, breaking into the offices of nobles and contract givers to get intimate details for an edge in determining who might betray who and getting a higher deal during contract negotiations. This was the way of things moving from territory to territory taking contracts and gathering information until the leader of the company, Vorhan, died of old age and the company dissolved into splinters.   Tome ran off to go figure out what he wanted to do. He made a living stealing and working as a bartender with the blue roses of Talumin. Keeping an ear open to opportunities to put his skills to work, he began pairing with Iligith who worked at another location further uptown. She would distract, confront or generally handle anyone that was abusing workers while tome would drug, burgle, blackmail, or frame people of crimes as punishment for being huge peices of shit.   Eventually they were noticed by River of The Windblown, once a member of The Silver Hammer who would offer them positions with the newly formed company. Tome accepted and was immediately put to work by seteth doing the same work he had done for the Silver Hammer. Breaking in, securing documents, plans, records. Anything he could find of value and giving his side an advantage without letting the targets know. It was way easier this time though, with so many members, tome was able to utilize them for distractions, reconisance and extractions. Eventually it got to the point where River offered to let him contract with her djinn for abilities that would help him on his assignments. He has been working for the company for several years now and has no intentions of leaving.




Although he didn't ever really get a formal education he has a pretty remarkable knowledge base. His prolific memory, access to libraries in the cities they would visit, and training from the Silver Hammer to make sense of the documents he would send him to collect. All this left him with a strong understanding of many fields.


Steady employment working for Seteth's branch of the Windblown.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He survived a tough upbringing, and his own skills earned him everything he has ever had.   Every heist and break in he plans and successfully executes is something he prizes.

Mental Trauma

He could only watch as his brother and father were killed. Even now, skilled as he is, he doesn't have much ability to protect anyone so he tends to emotionally distance himself people who aren't strong enough to protect themselves. Which is why he's grown so attached to the windblown members.

Intellectual Characteristics

Tome is easily ammused, personable and has a formidible memory. He has to go out of his way not to bring up minute details he remembers about people they mention in on off conversations.

Morality & Philosophy

He has a sharp sense of duty when he sees someone being discriminated against or abused. He uses his skills to pusnish and ruin those responsible for it when he can.

Personality Characteristics


Heists. The Windblown give him complex puzzles to solve in the form of various heists. He's never bored and he's working for a good cause, its everything he's ever wanted.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies - Reliable Talent makes it impossible to roll below a ten. Number in () is the lowest possible roll he can make on any of these skills.
  • Acrobatics +10 (20)
  • Deception +7 (17)
  • Insight +14 (24)
  • Intimidation +7 (17)
  • Investigation +15 (25)
  • Perception +14 (24)
  • Persuasion +7 (17)
  • Sleight of Hand +10 (20)
  • Stealth +15 (advantage) (25)
  • Brewers Supplies, Dice Set, Thieves Tools
  • Athletics +0
  • Con Saves

Likes & Dislikes

  • Gossip. He finds jobs as a bartender or server to gather info on targets and loves listening into drama from people's lives
  • Fuckin Naps Baybeee
  • He's one of the best thiefs on the planet and revels in the thrill of doing what no one else can
  • Trips on The Lady of the Night
  • Conflict
  • Being in the air

Virtues & Personality perks

Tome has a really strong moral core and he generally requires a good justification for the work he's doing. Luckily for him there's no shortage of rich and powerful bastards out there for him to target but he doesn't do work that will hurt people that are good in his mind

Vices & Personality flaws

Tome can be extremely emotionally distant especially if he thinks the people he's interacting with can't take care of themself. He can put on a face and he does like them but he works really hard to not get too attached.


Squeaky clean. He works with food and drinks.



Close Friend (Important)

Towards Unread Tome



Unread Tome

Close Friend (Important)

Towards Iefyr




The pair met early on before the windblown in Talumin. They had a good relationship and were together for a short while but everything ended on a friendly note. They were recruited together along with Illigith. They work under different founders now but always make time to grab a drink and catch up whenever they're both at the weeping peak

Unread Tome

Agent (Important)

Towards Seteth




Spymaster (Important)

Towards Unread Tome




Tome is one of the top performers for seteth. She recognized his potential immediately and realized she could motivate him with challenging assignments. So she did, and he has been thriving ever since. Seteth will often use Rennura, Seeker, Zessa or Asha to deliver him information on targets.

Unread Tome

company member (Vital)

Towards Asha



company member (Important)

Towards Unread Tome




Tome and Asha have been working together for years, her feeding him information on the targets he's been asigned. Tome's burglary has allowed Asha and Seteth inside information on the political rivals Asha has been facing. He will often stay with her between missions or when he needs to lay low, the two tend to get extremely high and hang out on rooftops.

Unread Tome

Drinking Buddy (Important)

Towards Rennura




Drinking Buddy (Important)

Towards Unread Tome




They met through seteth as one on a mission and both have a deep rooted hatred for shitty nobles. They drink and plot and plan about possible revenges and ways to ruin their lives and take their money. Its a venting activity for both and they generally meet somewhere outside the keep to get blasted and talk shit.

Unread Tome

Friend (Vital)

Towards Illigith




Friend (Vital)

Towards Unread Tome




Illigith and Tome met while working together as Thorns for the Blue Roses of Talumin. They were in seperate locations but her blunt methods paired well to created opportunities for his more subtle works. They would often pair to take down more powerful abusers. They together were found by the Windblown and have been friends since.

River in the Snow

Mentor (Important)

Towards Unread Tome



Unread Tome

Ward (Important)

Towards River in the Snow




The pair met during their time with The Silver Hammer. Tome was just a kid being trained and raised among mercenaries and river was one of the only members that had any fucking tact. They became friends and over the next several years they would work together and develop a kind of sibling / cousin bond with River looking out for Tome and Tome looking up to River. When the windblown went on to be founded tome was one of the first on the list to be recruited.

Current Location
Date of Birth
Nightal 9, 1467 DR
Current Residence
Ravens Bluff Windblown Office
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Gray with black stripes
150 lb
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Thieves’ Cant, Eyes of the Rune Keeper (can read all writing)
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