The 5th Edition Building / Landmark in Faerun | World Anvil
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The 5th Edition

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Purpose / Function

The 5th edition acts as a hideout for windblown members near the Sea of Fallen Stars. The first four floors are a cafe / bookstore with rooms available for company members needing to lay low or rest on their way to other destinations. The sub basement level has an armory, supply room for potions and scrolls, a teleportaiton circle and an off the books dock, hidden by foliage and trees that leads to the DeVillars creek and out to the Fire River.   Right now its mostly a hideout but as both Asha and Zacharius have contacts in high places throughout Ravens Bluff they accept quite a few contracts from nobles looking to have issues taken care of discreetly. The 5th edition is the newest windblown safehouse and is still in the process of getting all the necessary paperwork set up with the Regent of Guilds.


Wards on the top and bottom floors to block scrying and teleportation except to the circle.


One of the buildings from the original founding of ravens bluff, this townhouse was once a smugglers den, with the bottom floor left off the city plans. Zacharius and Asha saw the potential and invested windblown funds to restore the building and get the everything stocked and ready to go.


  • The 5th Edition
Founding Date
1225 DR
Shop, Magic
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization


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