Asha Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Dowager Dutchess of Elvenblood. Asha Sylzorwyn Snowweaver

A phenomenal support character that heals, and grants advantage to her allies. Outside of combat she operates best in deep cover

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In good shape but keeps herself lean and quick for the court.

Facial Features

She has an oval face, a straight nose, full lips, and her bright blue eyes are sharp.   In her illusioned form she keepers her appearance in line with what she used to look like with shorter hair, and sharper features

Identifying Characteristics

Natual blue and white hair and blue eyes

Special abilities

  • Actor / Keen Mind
  • Pact of the chain / Invst. & Voice of the Chain Master / Mask of Many Faces / Healing Light
  • Sneak Attack / Cunning Action / Uncanny Dodge / Evasion / Reliable Talent
  • Master of Tactics / Insightful Manipulator / Misdirection / Blindsense / Slippery Mind / Soul of Deceit
  • Darkvision / Fey Ancestry
  • Familiars: Elm, Gale and Lynn - Sprites (Heart Sight and Unconcious Potion)

Apparel & Accessories

While attending court functions she dresses as is expected of her station in fine dresses and jewlery. She tries to keep it simple but elegant. In her personal time its a simple tunic or tanktop and trousers.

Specialized Equipment

  • Infiltrator's Key
  • Keystone / Paired Chest
    • Dragon Vessel ( Ascendant )
    • Dagger of Blindsight
    • Dagger of Venom
    • Dagger +2
    • Helm of Teleportation
    • Dust of Sneezing and Choking
    • Eversmoking Bottle
    • Perfume of Bewitching
  • Barrier Tattoo
  • Dagger +3
  • Armband of Disguise
  • Cleansing Stone

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Always the smartest person in the room Asha was not often taken seriously by her bigoted townspeople. For years she worked her way up to be the owner of the 'Lasting kingdom' in Ashabenford. When the war with Netheril ended in 1487 stray debris from the destruction of Myth Drannor crushed the tavern and her body. With a final prayer, a deva of the goddess Sune offered her rebirth if she used her power to help people grow and embrace love and beauty. After her rebirth she was physically transformed into a picturesque vision of beauty. This has triggered some mild body dysmorphia. She uses some of her new found powers over illusions to maintain the appearance of her old self, though this has to be kept up, and can slip if she loses focus on it.   It has also caused a sharp change in the way people treat her and the transparency of it all has birthed a malicious joy in ruining the lives or reputations of some of the most brazen of them. During one such incident she went too far and was bailed out by the windblown keeper Zacharias, who recommended her to the company after some time spent working together. Asha's new appearance opens a lot of doors with powerful people. Combined with startling intelligence, malice, training and magic abilities she wreaks absolute havoc on any organization with enough bigots and sexists to give her an opening.   One particular opening was with the Duke of Elvenpass, who was charged with defending the southern enterance to The Vast. Before Asha could decide how to ruin her new husband he was killed in a skirmish the with a band of Orcs. Asha was left with title, a considerable fortune and keep near Ravens Bluff and an airtight cover with the airistocracy in The Vast.   She has very rapidly risen through the ranks of the windblown, coming to work for Seteth directly on long term missions building up a network of spies and relationships for the company. Her new position has limited her personal involvement in her missions to target people and she has come to terms with her inability to inact vengence, cooling a little over time. She still sets a good few 'find out' missions across the mission boards for targets who fuck around.




She has a practical education as a from running a tavern, some knowledge of the divine from her resurection and a crash course in politics and high society from Seteth and some very well paid tutors.


Steady employment with the windblown and is doing pretty alright for herself on the estate of her now dead husband.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Turning 'The Lasting Kingdom' into a success from nothing. Parkouring her way through the disgusting pigs of all backgrounds and status's.

Failures & Embarrassments

She worked her way up to a successful modest life from nothing then got fucking crushed under the rubble of an empire. Even after taking control of her life she had no control of it and she'll never let herself be put in a situation like that again.

Mental Trauma

Body dysmorphia, and anger at the state of everything detailed in personal history. Her entire town she grew up in was destroyed. Even if they were giant assholes that made everything harder than it needed to be, she didn't want them dead.

Intellectual Characteristics

She's extremely intelligent and thoughtful but rarely forgives or excuses. Once she has picked a target she delights in tormenting them until she feels they've learned their lesson.

Morality & Philosophy

Do good generally but nothing is off limits once you draw her attention in a negative way.


Yo just don't be a pig

Personality Characteristics


Her primary motivator is having a means to take out her resentment and anger on people and the windblown serve that nicely but she's coming around on the idea of doing some good for the community by moving corrupt biggots that don't have the peoples best interest off the board.   Part of her ressurection, transformation and relationship with the Goddess Sune was helping people come to terms with understanding beauty and love. Where she can she tries to help people see the beauty in whats already there, instead of forcing change upon yourself to achieve beauty. She tried to help people see they're worthy of love as they are

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies - Reliable Talent makes it impossible to roll below a ten. Number in () is the lowest possible roll she can make on any of these skills.
  • Acrobatics +10 (20)
  • Athletics +5 (15)
  • Deception +17 (27)
  • History +11 (21)
  • Insight +16 (26)
  • Investigation +11 (21)
  • Perception +10 (20)
  • Persuasion +11 (21)
  • Sleight of Hand +16 (26)
  • Stealth +16 (advantage) (26)
  • Disguise Kit, Forgery Kit, Playing Card Set, Thieve's tools, 3-Dragon Ante, Water Vehicles
  Ineptitudes (+4)
  • Animal Handling +4
  • Medicine +4
  • Survival +4

Likes & Dislikes

  • Devising and setting plans into motion. In reality or games.
  • Liquor and making drinks
  • Cheese
  • City life
  • Trips on The Lady of the Night
  • Bigots and Sexists. And general disrespect
  • Having to travel through the country side

Virtues & Personality perks

She's actively working to improve the lives of the people she interacts with. Specifically in replacing corrupt politicians and leaders with ones that will actually benefit the people. She works with the windblown to interfere with governments but she has a strong voice in which missions get picked and how the team goes about addressing them.

Vices & Personality flaws

She's spiteful. When she's picked a target to punish for being a dickhead she's hard to distract. Even if theres a more technically important job ahead of her she tends to blow that off to destroy her target. She is unable to help herself around cheese. She is also lactose intolerant.

Personality Quirks

Picks at her nails and hands but has to restrain herself from doing so in high society.


Contacts & Relations

Pethice rainshadow - Firbolg
  • Bodyguard of the old duke. He passed into asha's service after the old duke died and the two initially had some conflict but after a heart felt moment explaining her true motives, Pethice rallied and has loyally served Asha since.
  • Iarsys windlight - Elf
  • Magic advisor to the old duke, combat mage. Not terribly experienced but enusiastic and an elvenblood native.
  • Relationships


    Best Friend (Vital)

    Towards Umenan




    Best Friend (Vital)

    Towards Asha




    Company member (Important)

    Towards Aay Mosscut



    Aay Mosscut

    Company member (Important)

    Towards Asha




    Asha always makes a point of bring Aay out to parties. She enjoys his company and he always livens up the event.

    Nicknames & Petnames

    They fling insults at each other lovingly, like calling Asha a dusty old crone in reference to her being a dowager dutchess and calling Aay a chunky bitch in reference to his shape shifting


    Operative (Vital)

    Towards The Windblown - Relationship



    The Windblown - Relationship

    Company (Vital)

    Towards Asha




    The Windblown gave Asha an entry into her second life. After her disaster and ressurection she was simply left to her own devices and the Windblown saw her value, gave her the training and the support necessary to thrive as a spy and both parties have profited greatly.   Asha is by a mile the highest performer. While she can't slay dragons or demons the way some do, she can bring entire organizations down while leaving all their assets in tact. This performance record gives her a lot of sway with the founders.


    Master Spy (Vital)

    Towards Seteth




    Spy Master (Vital)

    Towards Asha




    Seteth was the first real contact Asha had with the windblown and both were immediately impressed. After Zacharius brought Asha onto the team the two women began working together and seteth authorized extremely large sums of money to hone Asha's already considerable talent.   The pair don't meet in person often but are good friends. The communications between them will often contain jokes and inside references on top of dossier's and event reports.

    Unread Tome

    company member (Vital)

    Towards Asha



    company member (Important)

    Towards Unread Tome




    Tome and Asha have been working together for years, her feeding him information on the targets he's been asigned. Tome's burglary has allowed Asha and Seteth inside information on the political rivals Asha has been facing. He will often stay with her between missions or when he needs to lay low, the two tend to get extremely high and hang out on rooftops.

    Zacharias - Ravens Bluff Keeper

    Friend (Important)

    Towards Asha




    Friend (Important)

    Towards Zacharias - Ravens Bluff Keeper



    Wealth & Financial state

    Asha is the lord of the trade fortress of Elvenblood. While the wealth techincally belongs to the town she is able to draw upon its funds to defend and maintain the Highroad through the Elvenblood Pass. This includes hiring out mercenaries, often windblown, buying weapons, potions, vehicles, etc.
    Current Location
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Dowager Dutchess of Elvenblood.
    Date of Birth
    21 Deepwinter, 1360 DR
    Current Residence
    Long, Silvery Fading to Blue
    130 lb
    Aligned Organization
    Known Languages
    Common, Draconic, Elvish, Sylvan, Thieves' Cant
    Ruled Locations

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