Zacharias - Ravens Bluff Keeper Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Zacharias - Ravens Bluff Keeper

A Myth Drannor refugee turned concilman of Ravens Bluff, Zacharias has come a long and confusing way but has landed a steady position as the Windblown Keeper. Letting him have his own bookstore and do his own research is plenty excuse for him

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slight and in good enough condition that he's not a liability.

Special abilities

  • Innate Spellcasting / Warlock Spellcasting
  • Accursed Specter / Hexblades Curse / Armor of Hexes
  • Polearm Master
  • Illusory Script, Intellect Fortress, Major Image, Suggestion, Teleportation Circle

Apparel & Accessories

Light common and noble clothes and his mythall spear.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zacharius was one of the last people to escape Myth Drannor. The young arcanist was the only surviving member of the gove keepers, a chosen few that were responsible for caring for the Mythal of Myth Drannor. The rest were killed by debris falling from the Netherese city above his own capitol. In a last desperate bit he was instructed by the Mythal to get a weapon and undergo a ritual that would move the bond from the city to the weapon. He obeyed, grabbed a spear and submitted to its will.   He made it out with the Mythal Spear just before the floating city fell. Attuning to the spear caused a much more profound reaction than either had expected. As he fled, it became his patron and he was able to use its powers to establish a small life in Ravens Bluff, in relative saftey compared to many of his countrymen, now refugees.   It was his own natural charisma however that got him an in with the noble court. Educated and now confident with his new powers, he began attending noble parties and doing odd jobs of off books scribing to make a living. At one of these parties he met Asha. On a later occasion his foresight, a good amount of drugs and a not inconsiderable amout of illusion magic saved her from being discovered in the bedchambers of a noblemans wife, and a swift and summary execution. He was promptly hired after he displayed his ability to see thorough her illusions, was gifted the The 5th Edition and brought on as a Keeper. A huge win for him, he has been using the resources to look into restoring the mythall to its old location and beginning to heal the city.   He's been with the windblown ever since, running the office and, as of recently, being 'adopted' and taking up House Elvenblood's position on the Council of Lords - Ravens Bluff to assist in the windblowns political machinations.




Fantastic education in magic, history, politics and culture.


Excellent employment with the windblown and a very respectable salary from his position on the council.

Mental Trauma

The death of his friends and the fall of his people was pretty brutal. He sees the scattered remnants of his people all over the place and does what he can where he can but not everyone fared as well as he did and it weighs on him

Intellectual Characteristics

Zacharias is a scholar, he's quick to learn and careful to act for serious matters. He enjoys a good party and has the charisma to easily make friends and avoid enemies.

Personality Characteristics


Restoring the operation of the Mythallar is the end goal but this is going to be complicated and in the mean time his skills are being tested in a satisfying way with this windblown operation.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Deception +9
  • History +9
  • Nature +9
  • Perception +6
  • Athletics +1
  • Acrobatics +1
  • Sleight of Hand +1
  • Stealth +1

Likes & Dislikes

  • Fiction & Anthology Series
  • Investigation & Research
  • Interesting Company
  • Well organized paperwork
  • Direct Confrontation
  • Ignorance
  • Direct Sunlight


Zacharias - Ravens Bluff Keeper

Friend (Important)

Towards Asha




Friend (Important)

Towards Zacharias - Ravens Bluff Keeper



Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Council Representitive of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Elvenblood.
Date of Birth
24 Alturiak 1395
Current Residence
The 5th Edition
He / Him
Bright red hair kept pulled back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish, Elvish
Ruled Locations

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