Ussu Rainseeker Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Ussu Rainseeker

A highly trained monk from the Order of the Silver Scale, Ussu uses her high mobility, defense, attack speed and area damage to wreak havoc on multiple foes. She can be found most often assisting another member as a body guard on missions.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Strong, quick and tough. Ussu has been training for years and has kept in good shape.

Identifying Characteristics

She's a Yuan-ti pureblood so she had vertical pupils and pointed fangs like a vampire. She also has short dark hair she keeps slicked back.

Special abilities

  • Blind Fighting / Second Wind / Action Surge / Weapon Bond
  • Unarmored Defense / Dedicated Weapon / Deflect Missiles
  • Flurry of Blows / Paitent Defense / Step of the Wind / Quickened Healing
  • Draconic Presence / Draconic Strike / Breath of the Dragon / Wings Unfurled
  • Slow Fall / Focused Aim / Stunning Strike / Evasion / Stillness of Mind / Purity of Body
  • Darkvision / Magic Resistance / Poison Immunity
  • Sentinel / Savage Attacker / Gift of the Metallic Dragon ( Draconic Healing / Protective Wings)

Apparel & Accessories

Generally wears a long coat and trousers with heavy boots. This was the uniform for the Order of the Silver Scale but she's modified it to the Windblown color scheme.

Specialized Equipment

  • Longsword +3
  • Nine Lives Stealer Longsword
  • Dyrrn's Tentacle Whip
  • Dagger of Venom

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ussu just barely remembers the death of their parents in Najara. They lived with some of their political allies for a year or two before the situation turned for the worse and a bounty was put on the sisters heads. Ilush, a loyal friend of their parents took the girls down river to Beldenshyn and by land to Baldur's Gate. She died to a bigoted mob at the gates and in the chaos Zessa was able to get everyone inside. They lived in a hovel scrounging for the better part of a year until Zessa was able to talk her way into a servants position at a brothel uptown.   Shortly after while Ussu and Shala were home alone they were attacked by some of the Zhentarim. They tried to fight back, and even as a child Shala was able to kill one of the attackers. In response she got kicked through a wall and down a hill while Ussu was kidnapped. She was knocked out and woke up in a cage. The Zhentarim smuggled her out of the city with the intent of selling her. They made it as far as the Cloud Peaks to the south when the slave caravan was ambushed and killed by two members of the Order of the Silver Scale. Although they were given a choice, every single captured person decided to return with the monks and learn to defend themselves. Ussu wanted to go home, but the entire experience made her feel so helpless to jumped at the opportunity to gain some agency and strength. So she trained, deciding she would wait to return to Baldur's Gate until the next group went to the city to trade.   She started her time with the order with her own personal goals but she found herself really resonating the order's persuit of freedom and work with the dragons. When the time came she traveled back as planned but only spent a few months with her sisters after reuniting with them. She had found a calling and would continue to return home for visits while spending the majority of her time training with the monks. Soon she had completed her training and applied to operate externally, allowing her to rejoin her sisters fulltime while still accepting missions when requested. They began taking mercenary and assassination contracts and were extremely successful. Eventually they drew the attention of Xior of The Windblown and after watching them work, offered them a position with the company.   The three sisters still take contracts as a group but they've also found individual roles within the guild. Zessa was immediately drawn to Aay's company. They're flashy and ready to throw down and that resonated with her. She routinely accompanies them out on missions and her rapid attack style, high mobility and ability to affect areas has cemented her position on the battlefield missions. She also tends to act as a second to other members, offering frontline melee damage and, as she doesn't require armor and summons her weapons, can scout locations with little suspicion.




Has a basic education from the monk's but not much past that. Most of it has to do with martial arts, ethics and dragons.


Steady employment taking contracts with the Windblown and occasionally dealing with responsibilities for the Order of the Silver Scale

Accomplishments & Achievements

Her time with the Order with the Silver Scale was grueling and not everyone successfully made it through the training. She's had several successes rehabilitating chromatic eggs that have been given to the order and takes pride in the beings they have become.

Mental Trauma

She's still on a level pretty embarrassed about her capture. There are a lot of feelings still to resolve about that long lasting feeling of helplessness and she strives to make herself as useful as possible to show how capable she is now.

Intellectual Characteristics

She is extremely eager, determined and good natured. She will never back down unless its part of a larger plan and tends to volunteer herself for dangerous roles more often than is strictly necessary


Fuckin slavery yo

Personality Characteristics


Ussu is really just vibing. She loves the thrill that fighting with Aay's team gives her. Using her abilities to help protect team members and ordinary people from being preyed upon gives her a strong sense of accomplishment. As of now she is happy to keep going like this for as long as she can.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Acrobatics +10
  • Athletics +5
  • Performance +7
  • Stealth +10
  • Brewing Supplies, Disguise Kit, Flute
  Ineptitudes +0
  • Arcana
  • History
  • Investigation
  • Nature
  • Religion

Likes & Dislikes

  • Winning
  • Parties
  • Exercise and hard work
  • Getting High
  • Math and Magic
  • Waiting
  • Feeling pressued

Virtues & Personality perks

Ussu is ride or die, she is always enthusiastically down for anything and has positive vibes, which keeps morale higher among groups she's in.

Vices & Personality flaws

She is a little too down for anything and used to get herself into trouble a lot. She is capable enough on her own but she benefits greatly from a voice of reason when making decisions on basically anything.


Ussu Rainseeker

Sister (Vital)

Towards Zessa Rainseeker



Zessa Rainseeker

Sister (Vital)

Towards Ussu Rainseeker




Zessa has infinite paitence for her goofy younger sister, and Ussu idolizes her for how she took care of them when they were younger and continues to handle the planning and coordination of jobs. A task to which Ussu is definitely not suited. In terms of passions, lifestyles and skillsets they have basically nothing in common (except that its all mercenary work) but they love each other and get along which is all that really matters. They share a room together at the weeping peak.

Ussu Rainseeker

Sister (Vital)

Towards Shala Rainseeker



Shala Rainseeker

Sister (Vital)

Towards Ussu Rainseeker




These two went through something extremely traumatic together at a very young age and have a special bond because of it. Both ended up as martial fighters, despite the disparity in skill and effort between them they both have a solid respect for one another. Their personalities can clash though and they work best together when they don't spend too much time together. Getting together for missions, the occasional meal, and then going their seperate ways is how they grew up after Ussu's rescue and how they get along now.

Ussu Rainseeker

Workout Partner (Important)

Towards Aay Mosscut



Aay Mosscut

Workout Partner (Important)

Towards Ussu Rainseeker




Ussu and Aay vibed immediately. They're both bold, honest and outgoing with Ussu ended up on Aay's team after just a few missions with the windblown. They have several connections through the organization but their bond specifically is training. Every morning they're both at the peak they lead a run through the trails along the side of the star mountains surrounding the peak. This has been going on near daily for several years now and they've gotten to know basically everything about each other.

Date of Birth
18 Summertide, 1467 DR
Zessa Rainseeker (Sister)
Shala Rainseeker (Sister)
Current Residence
The Lady of the Night
Blue with Vertical Pupils
Dark shoulder length pulled back.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
160 lb
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Dwarvish
This article has no secrets.


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