Venin Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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An armorer artificer specializing in stealth and extracting hostages. Not tough but hard to hit and with a huge variety of abilities to pull from.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Venin is largely healthy but was born with damage to her lower body. Her upper body is fine and with the help of her artificer armor she can get around regularly. She still has full feeling and control. All attempts to fix her condition have failed, it seems to be tied to some kind of error in her magical birth.

Facial Features

She looks like her mother Navia, with pale skin shap features and bright blue vertical pupils.   Shoulder length dark blue and black hair is pulled back around a pale white face. Venin keeps her hair pulled back in a ponytail leaving some hanging down.

Special abilities

  • Infusions, Right Tool for the Job, Arcane Armor
  • Flash of Genius, Spell Storing Item, Magic Item Savant
  • Deathless Nature, Vampiric Bite, Spider Climb
  • Keen Mind, Medium Armor Master, Sharpshooter, Crossbow Expert

Apparel & Accessories

Generally wears simple clothes, as her infiltrator armor can fit under them with no problems.

Specialized Equipment

  • Defender Mount Pilot Pod / Spider Tank
  • Venin's Harvester
  • Spell Refueling Ring / Boots of the Winding Path / Enhanced Defense
  • Amulet of Health
  • Half Plate +2

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to River and Navia with no small amount of magic, venin was born using an experimental process. A modified version of the 'Clone' spell was implemented and while it seemed to work successfully for her older sister Nivian, Venin was not so lucky. She was born sound of mind but not of body. Her entire body from the waist down was attrophied and for most of her life she has not been able to walk without the assistance of artificers armor.   Her parents, and the windblown company as a whole who were involved in the modifications to the spell, did everything in their power to try to fix her but nothing worked, it seemed to be tied to the nature of her . It wasn't the end of the world however. Venin was bright, independant and a happy child, with friends and family that loved her. She grew up, like her sister at a rate much faster than normal and was fully matured by the time she was about 4.   She spent her entire life surrounded by extremely talented people and she learned languages, combat, history and magic at their hands. As a teenager she was able to, with the help of Navia, construct a magical armor that would give her full mobility. At around 16 she began going on missions, accompanied by more senior members obviously, and in an instant her view of the huge family she had grown up with shifted. She saw them not as the loving people she shared a house with growing up but as seasoned professionals and she became sharply aware of how much more she had to grow.   Not to be outshined, she threw herself into her training and legitimately rose in skill and power to be a full member of the windblown in the next two years. This is what she's been working towards for years and now that she's achieved it theres a bit of a loss. Her whole life is ahead of her and she's both scared and excited to see what comes next.




She developed quickly and has had a wide variety of people to draw an education from. Primarily her schooling was in Arcana, history and combat. Though she has a good understading of religion, nature and the arts they never quite captured her interest as much as the afforementioned 3.


Steady employment with the windblown

Mental Trauma

She's very well taken care of but was also disabled as a result of someone elses mistake. She can't walk on her own and while she's adapted to the point she can live a fully mobile day to day life its something she's always concious of.

Intellectual Characteristics

Venin is still growing up. She's capable, independent and talented but is struggling with aligning her expectations for the world and her experiences in it.

Personality Characteristics


Venin is still very young and figuring out her own motivations. For a long time her goal was to become strong enough to take care of herself anywhere she wanted to go and she has largely achieved that. So now she's a little listless. She loves her family (which she considers the entire windblown company as she grew up with all of them) and takes contracts from them but isn't sure where to go from here. She is on standby to help with the Mezro mission for her mom and uncle but thats the only real thing on her horizon.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies +10
  • Acrobatics
  • Arcana
  • Perception +9
  • Stealth (Advantage)
Ineptitudes -1
  • Deception
  • Intimidation
  • Performance

Likes & Dislikes

  • Partying with Aay and the rest of the company members
  • Bookstores
  • Getting lost in different cities
  • Losing and being made fun of
  • Seeing people struggle with disabilities
  • Slow walkers

Virtues & Personality perks

She is hypercapable and generally serious. It makes her kind of awkward around groups she doesn't know but when you need something done she's almost always able to do exactly what needs to be doing.   She's a good listener and knows how to read people. While growing up with the windblown she has her finger on the pulse in regards to the health and wellbeing of most of the members at any given time.

Vices & Personality flaws

She's pretty sensitive and cares about thinks. She can get her feelings hurt easily and struggles to express her emotions well. She tends to lash out when this happens if things get past a certain point. She's still pretty young and despite caring deeply about the company as her own family, she sometimes speaks without thinking.



Mother (Vital)

Towards Venin




Daughter (Vital)

Towards Navia




They get along great. When Venin was born is was immediately clear that something had gone wrong with the process and Navia worked with her to regain the use of her legs. Venin takes more after this mother than river and learned her artifice trade from her. Navia doesn't see anything wrong with Venin's skill at kill contracts either. Its all just work and as long as her daughter is healthy she's happy.   Venin take a more practical approach to artifice and doesn't really have the drive that her older sister and mother have.


Daughter (Important)

Towards River in the Snow



River in the Snow

Mother (Vital)

Towards Venin




These two have always struggled and butt heads. River doesn't approve of her methods or how easily she kills and Venin thinks her mother is too slow to action. She doesn't hold anything against her mom for her physical disability but also doesn't realize like her combat training was supposed to just be a way to get her comfortable moving in the suit. She doesn't fully understand her mothers hesitation and this does bring a lot of conflict to their relationship.


Sister (Vital)

Towards Nivian




Sister (Vital)

Towards Venin




The two sisters have always gotten along. They had a pretty singular upbringing, though not a bad one. Still, they are the only people they know that had their experiences. Despite an unusual childhood they're sisters that love each other. Venin spends more time at the peak with the rest of her family while Nivian often spends long stretches of time away scouting and doing preparatory work for the return of Mezro but when they are together they make the most of the time.


Uncle (Important)

Towards Venin




Niece (Important)

Towards Tazbor




Venin and Tazbor have always had a good relationship. She's by far one of his most talented students and quickly took to his teachings and the windblowns missions. Their bond is more teacher-student than family but they have a deep respect for each other and work well together.

Current Location
20 (4)
Date of Birth
6 Summertide, 1491 DR
The Weeping Peak
Nivian (Sister)
Bright Blue with Vertical Pupils
Close cut black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Sylvan


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