Navia Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Guardian Navia Sudiev Zalen

A master artificer, Navia uses a combination of Eldritch Cannons and defensive magic to dominate a large area.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She's tough and fast. In solid fighting shape and keeps herself well fed off of animals and occasionally people.

Body Features

She is muscled and scarred, but she's rarely seen outside the keep out of her armor so most people only get a vague outline.

Facial Features

Waist length bright blue hair is pulled back around a pale white face. Navia's face is surprisingly unsunken for a vampire, and her bright blue vertical pupils are always excitedly searching the room.

Identifying Characteristics

A large build for a woman, pale skin, vertical pupils and Vivdly blue hair.

Special abilities

  • Deathless Nature / Spider Climb / Vampiric Bite
  • Eldritch Cannon x2 / Explosive Cannon
  • Tool Expertise
  • Flash of Genius
  • Spell-Storing Item - Shatter
  • Fortified Position
  • Magic Item Master

Specialized Equipment

  • Danoth's Visor - Awakened
  • Ring of Spell Turning
  • Navia's Squall Caster
  • Defender Pod & Owl Mount
  • Handy Haversack
  • Boots of Speed
  • Handy Haversack
  • Half Plate +2

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nearly 150 years ago Navia was born in Mezro, the largest and most holy city on the chultan peninsula. She had a talent for invention and drew the attention of one of Dhalmass Rayburton, one of the oldest of the immortal paladins that served as the council. He had been experimenting with varying magical biology and Navia, ever curious, volunteered to be turned by a higher vampire they struck a pact with. She was freed from his grasp and along with Tazbor, the only other survivor of the experiments, and dedicated themselves to serving the city once again.   After a time a new very young Barae named Fipya was appointed. Dhalmass assigned Navia to her as advisor and guard to help her acclimate to the role and craft whatever she needed. When the Spellplague struck, the city was pulled into a demi plane and both Navia and Tazbor were ordered to stay in faerun, as they both had a semblance of immortality and work towards the destruction of Ras Nsi, the betrayer Barae. Only then would it be safe for the city to return.  
  • So they began their work, both prolific warriors but between the instability of magic and the power of their enemy the pair were forced to retreat across The Shining Sea to Calimshan. There they found too much sun and quickly made their way north. They wandered the sword coast looking for allies and honing their skills for the better part of 100 years with varying degrees of success. Then the spell plague ended and once again things were thrown into chaos as magic returned.
  • This time the confusion sparked conflict. They were hunted by River and Xior of the Windblown after being misidentified as vampires feeding on a village near the Neverwinter Woods. After brief scuffle and even briefer negotiations the groups teamed up to take down the actual threat and were recruited to work with the windblown to gather allies for their own task. Navia became the in house artificer, crafting items to suit the needs of the members and enhancing vehicles and the weeping peak with spells and designs that haven't been seen outside the deep jungles of Chult in almost 200 years.
  • Five years went by Navia would go on to marry River, and with some help from other members party, they would have two daughters, Nivian and Venin.
  • Sexuality



    Navia spent her youth training with the arcanists of Mezro and working on her own designs for the council.


    Has been steadily employed for years as the windblown's in house artificer.

    Accomplishments & Achievements

    • Being selected to act as a Barae's guardian
    • Being chosen to stay behind and secure the future of her people
    • Surviving the outside world
    • Development of the Defender pods
    • Figuring out how to make babies with her partner in a committed lesbian relaitonship and also undead.

    Failures & Embarrassments

    • She has yet to secure the saftey of her people
    • She is really bad at being a vampire.
    • She is not particularly good at handling the young kids part of parenting

    Mental Trauma

    She misses her people and her culture but she has been away from them a long time and has grown used to the new people and places. A part of her knows she is procrastinating on restoring her homeland to have a life with her family and it eats at her.

    Intellectual Characteristics

    She's brilliant but in an extremely scattered way. She has trouble focusing on any one thing for too long and usese Tazbors discipline to help keep her tasks completed in a timley manner. She enjoys the challenge of new designs and invention but gets distracted and moves on quickly.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Part of the reason she was selected to be transformed by the elder vampire in mezro was her morality. She knows whats right and wrong but is a seasoned fighter in a brutal environment and has the discipline to pick her meals with discression or abstain if theres nobody suitable for feeding on.

    Personality Characteristics


    Navia is motivated by the quest left to her and trazbor by her people, but since having a family and working with the company she has found herself distracted with their more immediate concerns. She uses her considerable arcane skill to help fortify their home and outfit her friends and family with magical equipment, potions and vehicles. She tells herself its in part that they will help her when the time comes, but she really just likes them all and wants to see them safe.

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

    • Arcana +17
    • Athletics +9
    • History +11
    • Investigation +11
    • Slight of Hand +11
    • Animal Handling +0
    • Medicine +0
    • Performance +1
      Tool Proficiencies:   Alchemist's Supplies, Carpenter's Tools, Poisoner's Kit, Thieves' Tools, Tinker's Tools, Vehicles (Land), Vehicles (Water), Woodcarver's Tools

    Likes & Dislikes

    • Fruit - fuckin loves fruit. her eyes dialate like a cats
    • Creating new inventions in a fully stocked workshop
    • Being Married
    • Wine
    • Beer
    • Divine magic - its wishy washy magic, not as precise as arcane
    • Pointless violence

    Virtues & Personality perks

    Navia is generous, loving and deeply intelligent. She goes out of her way to provide and use her skills to better the lives of others. She is persecuted as a vampire but she remembers a time she wasn't and tends not to hold that against people.

    Vices & Personality flaws

    She is both impaitent and distractable. She has all of the afformentioned virtues but if its going to take longer than she has time for she just leaves or gets extremely irritated if she has to stay. She tends to leave things half finished when left to her own devices.

    Personality Quirks

    Tends to poke her thumb with her fang when she's thinking. Looks like she's chewing on her nails.


    River in the Snow

    Wife (Vital)

    Towards Navia




    Wife (Vital)

    Towards River in the Snow




    The pair met while when the Windblown were hired to eliminate a group of vampires tormenting the countryside south of Baldur's gate. River and Xior tracked down, what turned out to be the wrong pair of vampires and after an initial scuffle the groups realized their mistakes and decided to team up to deal with the actual contract targets. River, Xior, Tazbor and Navia cleared out the group and decided to continue to work together, the latter two joining the newly formed windblown as Executioner and Artifex respectively.   After a year or so Navia and River started dating and were married the following year. Another year and the pair had two children. This had some complications as a past wound has rendered River infertile and Navia is undead, but with the assistance of Hala and Gimblekanks and a bit of magic Nivian and then her sister Venin.


    Mother (Vital)

    Towards Nivian




    Daughter (Vital)

    Towards Navia




    Nivian was a good student when she was older and learned history and artifice from Navia, but always leaned more towards Rivers way of doing things. Despite being blood related, their actual relationship is more like that of teacher and student. Nivian is much closer and relates much more with River, and being raised among the entire mercenary company put less emphasis on the two biological parents and more on the community.   They both love each other, but Nivian was a lot to handle as a young child and Navia did not handle it well. There are regrets in the way some things were done, but both of them have always been true to who they are. Nivian takes her mothers culture and the mission left to their family very seriously, which inspired her pursuit of archaeology and her current mission to chult.   Despite her poor work as a student they Navia has always admired Nivians endless curiosity and passion to discover.


    Mother (Vital)

    Towards Venin




    Daughter (Vital)

    Towards Navia




    They get along great. When Venin was born is was immediately clear that something had gone wrong with the process and Navia worked with her to regain the use of her legs. Venin takes more after this mother than river and learned her artifice trade from her. Navia doesn't see anything wrong with Venin's skill at kill contracts either. Its all just work and as long as her daughter is healthy she's happy.   Venin take a more practical approach to artifice and doesn't really have the drive that her older sister and mother have.


    Partner (Vital)

    Towards Tazbor




    Partner (Vital)

    Towards Navia




    Were both selected as guardians to undergo the vampirism experiment ... write more here


    Lead Artificer (Important)

    Towards The Windblown - Relationship



    The Windblown - Relationship

    Company (Important)

    Towards Navia




    Contemporaries (Trivial)

    Towards Navia




    Contemporaries (Trivial)

    Towards Liahna




    They know each other and occasionally correspond. They're both big fans of the others artificer work. Its pretty casual but they'll hit each other up to get their opinions on complicated problems.

    Current Location
    Date of Birth
    19 Summertide, 1345 DR
    Bright Blue with Vertical Pupils
    Waist long deep blue
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations
    Known Languages
    Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish, Sylvan
    This article has no secrets.


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