A10 - Growing Storm

General Summary

A10 - Growing Storm

1496.SU.43   After a hearty meal the adventurers sleep well through the night. The gentle rocking of the ship sway many to sleep. However in the morning they are rudely awoken as the airship violently rocks back and forward. Staggering to the deck the party see the crew climbing the rigging and securing the lashings. In the distance large dark grey storm clouds are appearing as the storm grows. Realising that the storm has all the signs of a Cult of Talos ritual, the party decide to set sail immediately. With some of the crew returning to Phandalin the previous day, the party were needed to help the crew.   As the ship drew nearer to the storm the harder it became to keep the ship sail straight. Before too long many of the crew were hanging on to the sides as the high winds battered and tossed the ship like a plaything. Realising they weren’t going to be able to draw any closer the party descended a rope ladder to the Neverwinter Woods below. Here the branches of the trees shook violently in the wind, although they were mostly protected under the canopy. Moving through the undergrowth towards the eye of the storm, eventually the trees begin to clear revealing a large hill with sacred stones atop. Looking carefully the part can see figures moving in and around the stones. The eye of the storm is directly above the hill.   Charging up the hill the party begin to see the shape of a statue of Talos, similar to that at the Wayside Inn. Some of the cultists turn to attack the newcomers, however a few continue chanting fervently drawing near to the end of the ritual. Slaying the opposing cultist and continuing up the hill the last few cultists turn to face the adventurers. Pushing back the adventurers back down the hill slightly, it looks as if the adventurers may struggle to stop the ritual. With a final push and blast of a fireball the adventurers regain the upper hand. Slaying almost of the cultists Maple gave chase to one final cultist who was sprinting back to the statue, shooting him dead in the back within inches of the statue.   With the disaster averted the party explore the hill finding an entrance into the burial mound. Inside a further two cultists are guarding the corpse of Thundertusk, the summoned giant boar, previously killed by the party. The anchorites had dragged the body back to the tunnels and carved out its heart for their twisted ritual. Amongst the clutter in the cave system the group found a map with the Cult’s stronghold location. Saving this for later it was pocketed, and they moved further in. Finding an infestation of twig blights, Mordia made short work of them with a few fire spells.   With the area cleared and the storm quickly dissipating the group begin the journey back to Leilon.

Missions/Quests Completed

Stop the ritual and avoid the creation of a Talos Statue
Big Trouble in Little Leilon
Report Date
15 Sep 2022
Primary Location
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