Convicts on the run Journal C1-A2

ACT 1 - Awry

1496.SU.69   After spending the night in the gold toe mine, bandaging their wounds and resting the pair ventured down the river on a small boat back to Neverwinter.   There they spent a few days getting equipment made and spending their hard earnt gold in the taverns. Whilst drinking at the green dragon they saw a copy of the notice they found on the wererat in the gold toe mine. Find my son! Speaking with Grace Abbott the mother explained that her son Everett had been a stable hand at the Falcons lodge in the Neverwinter forest. But with the roving orcs and goblins the lodge had been overrun. Gustaf Stellern AKA Falcon had managed to escape and get word to her but nothing was known of her son.   The pair immediately decided to help and set out for Phandalin where Gustaf was staying. The 3 day journey went well without issue.   Arriving in Phandalin the pair locate Gustaf who was staying in the Stonehill Inn. After a short conversation Gustaf points out on a map where his former hunting lodge is located and adds he doesn't know if Everett is still alive or not.   Before leaving the settlement Draco asks the smithy to craft a silver tipped spear. As the craftsman will take 24 hours to complete the modified spear the pair look to entertain themselves. Doug heads to the biggest building in the village Tresandor Manor with the hopes to rob the establishment. Draco realising that Barthen has a successful business decides to do the same at his home address.   Doug initially tries to climb the scaffolding at the rear of the manor, however one of the manors people notice him and mistake him for a child telling him to go home. Then skulking around the building, he finds a partial open window into the library. After slipping in he makes his way into the hallway where he can hear noise coming from the cellar and elsewhere further into the manor. Skirting the wall Doug aims for the next door. As he slowly opens the door, he see an old frail person with their back to him chopping vegetables in the kitchen. Dipping his dagger in poison he strikes the figure in the back, and they slowly became limp in his hands quickly dying. Searching the body, he finds a mere 2 silver coins.   Moving further into the manor Doug finds a lavish dining room but nothing he is able to steal. Moving towards the front door he carefully open the last door on the left to reveal a shop full of weapons and armour. To the corner a tall thin elf with silver hair is sorting through some of the equipment. Again, carefully dipping his arrow into his poison he lets loose and strikes the elf in his shoulder. Fafnir Fairhart groans in pain but turns with malice in his eye seeing the intruder. Quickly Doug climbs to the top of the counter and swings at him with his short sword but misses. Fafnir holds onto his wound and mutters a few words, and he appears to be less troubled by the arrow sticking from his back. He then grabs a rapier from nearby and thrusts at Doug, penetrating his chest.   Even grievously injured Doug decides to dive from the counter with his short sword in hand, slicing down Fafnir’s chest. Again, the elf mutters a few healing words and turns with controlled anger in his golden yellow eyes. "Get out now unless you want to die by my hands" Suddenly a bird like alarm begins to blare in the manor and the sound of the gargoyle statues situated at the front of the house can be head thudding towards the room. Doug wisely see's his mistake and sprints from the manor hiding in the Edermath’s orchard.   Meanwhile Draco picks the lock of the Elmar Barthen’s house and lets himself in. Inside the small house is sparsely furnished but a small chest catches Draco's eye. Quickly working the lock Draco finds some fine silks and two large coin purses, quickly pocketing the stollen money he flees to the orchard as he hears the shouts that there has been a murder at the manor.   Being well hidden in their tent in the orchard the pair go unnoticed during the night. Early in the morning Draco with a plan in mind, heads to the guards who are still looking for a murder and inform them that it was Barthen who committed the murder. However once Elmar Barthen is in custody with the guards Fafnir arrives to and informs them that it couldn’t be Barthen and that the suspect was a halfling. He orders the arrest of Draco as suspicious, and he is escorted to the Tresandor Manor dungeon.   Shortly after Doug completely unaware of the situation stirs from his slumber, with no sign of Draco.

Articles under Convicts on the run Journal C1-A2