A4 - Into the woods

General Summary

ACT 4 - Into the Woods

1496.WI.60   After a few days of resting and relaxing in and around Phandalin they had an unusual surprise when the lesser spotted Harbin Wester approached them pleading with them to take supplies to his brothers camp in Neverwinter Woods. His brother Tibor Wester ran the Neverwinter woods Loggers Cabin and due to the recent attacks and bandit in the area, the usual supplies of food and equipment hadn't been sent. Knowing that the camp must be running dangerously low Harbin pleaded to take the small cart through the woods.   Agreeing to go the party collected their supplies from Barthen's Provisions and met on the village green, however Grimnir Darkbane was nowhere to be found. Eventually the drunkard dwarf was located still in the Sleeping Giant tavern in no fit state to go adventuring. The party agreed to leave Grimnir behind for the time being set off on their long journey.   The party travelled north to the edge of Neverwinter Woods Maple being a keen tracker took the lead through the woods and within a three days arrived on the outskirts of the Neverwinter woods Loggers Cabin with out incidence. However when looking around they found the camp trashed and abandoned. Tents torn to shreds and the one of the buildings complete collapsed. Looking around the party noticed a strange wild boar stood in the wood line watching their every movement. However when they went to approach the boar simple fled.   Approaching the only remaining building they found the door bared from the other side. A quiet hushed voice from inside said to be quiet that they would return. The party continued to to talk loudly and try to barge their way into the cabin when suddenly the ground rumbled and out burrowed a number of insectoids called Ankhegs. The long talon arms striking at the group forced them to defend themselves and a bloody battle resulted with the party freeing Tibor Wester from the cabin. Abandoning the cabin the party begun the return journey back to Phandalin when Tibor mentioned a friend on the route back where they could stay and eat.   After a days travel the group arrived at Falcon's Hunting Lodge. The welcoming host Gustaf Stellern AKA Falcon, showed them around his luxury lodge and grounds before offering a hearty meal. During the meal the party learnt of Talos worshippers in the area and that they were carrying out rituals and mischevious acts. Knowing that the Wooden Manse was on route back to Phandalin the group agreed to investigate, however Tibor having already seen action recently did not want to be part of it decided to make his own way back to Phandalin the following day. After a comfortable nights sleep the party bid fare well to Falcon and headed to the wooden manse.   The delapidated wooden manse stood in a clear ontop of a small hill. About the base of the house large numbers of pumkins were growing and umongst them boars fed. As the party gre near some of the boars transformed into half orcs and begun attacking the party. The powerful enemy were slain and the remaining boars fled. From outside the party could hear gruff voices of orcs on the second floor.   Stealthily moving though the house the party found signs of rituals being cast and small stick figures of themselves created like voodoo dolls. Making their way onto the second floor the group found that the voices were full blown orcs and they had set up camp in the once grand manse. The clattering of Raziels armour alerted the Orcs to their presence and a gruesome fight to the death followed. The numerous strong orcs almost over powered the advernturers but luck was on their side and the remaining orcs fled the manse.   Battered and bruised the four trudge the remaining half a day back to Phandalin only to find a crowd of people had surrounded Grimnir outside Stonehill Inn and were accusing him of murdering Harbin Wester.

Rewards Granted

Silver Candleabrum (25 Gold), Cloak of Billowing, Immovable Rod

Missions/Quests Completed

Rescue Tibor Wester from the Loggers cabin. Clear the Wooden manse of Anchorites of Talos.

Character(s) interacted with

Tibor Wester - The brother of Harbin, overseer of Loggers cabin in Neverwinter Woods.   Gustaf Stellern AKA Falcon - Owner of Falcon's Hunting Lodge a high end hunting lodge.
Restoration of Phandalin
Report Date
27 Jul 2023
Secondary Location
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