Phandalin Smithy

The smithy is located to the north side of town along the road connecting the town square to the Triboar trail.   Customer enter the Smithy to an open area containing the forge and a number of anvils. The rest of the building is walled off and private. Being the only smithy in Phandalin the owner Alger Frakk sees a lot of custom, from mundane work such as repairs to tools for mining and farming. But on occasion adventurers commission armour and weapons or alternations to existing pieces.   Alger being so busy took on an apprentice Maza Fieldsallder who quickly picked up the craft. Maza took over the sole smith in the establishment after Algers untimely death. Rumours circulate in Phandalin suggesting that Algers death was suspicious, and some believe that Maza had a good reason to have killed him. Others dismissed these as slanderous lies spread by someone who wanted to take Maza's job.
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy
Parent Location