Sleeping Giant

The Sleeping Giant is a rundown tap house in Phandalin.   The building is located at the end of the main street to the east of Phandalin, which ended in Tresandor Manor. It is marked as a tavern by a sign depicting a prone giant and by its porch, which has several empty barrels of ale on display.   The Sleeping Giant is owned by a surly dwarf named Grista Kettlecopp, whose rude demeanour reflects the quality (or lack of) the pub itself. It is the favored watering hole for cruder folk, and catered mostly to dwarves and humans miners. The bar is filthy and poor maintained, and townsfolk are know to dissuade visitors from going there.   During the occupation of the Redbrand Ruffians the Sleeping Giant became a favoured place for the gang and they would accost passers-by.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location

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