Convicts turned Good

  • 1496 DR

    63 Summer

    Liberation of Gold Toe Mine
    Military: Skirmish

    Doug Cut and Draco join Don Jon Raskin to Gold Toe mine, clearing it of a wererat infestation.

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  • 1496 DR

    69 Summer

    Attack on PDS Co.
    Criminal Activity

    Doug Cut murders Beric Chamberpot and attempts to kill Fafnir Fairhart in the Tresandor manor

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  • 1496 DR

    77 Summer

    Betrayal and Death of Doug Cut
    Life, Death

    After being turned over by Draco, Doug Cut is executed for the murder and attempted murder charge.

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  • 1496 DR

    81 Summer

    Clearing of Falcon's Lodge
    Military: Skirmish

    Rescuing Everett Abbott a stable hand, the orcs and goblins are all killed

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  • 1496 DR

    1 Autumn

    Uncovering Shrine of Savras
    Discovery, Exploration

    The discovery of the missing gold now melted down and disguised as the bell at the Shrine of Savras

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  • 1496 DR

    12 Autumn

    Final slaying Anchorite of Talos
    Criminal Activity

    Gadrille Reef Reaver and the last of the Anchorites are slain under the hamlet of Leilon Point

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