A6 - Fall of a Tyrant

General Summary

A6 - Fall of a Tyrant

1496.AU.12   Now growing interest in Neverwinter with tales of their exploits. Whilst staying and drinking in a nearby tavern to the blacksmith melting down their bell, a member of the Adventurers Guild approaches them and suggests that they would be interested in making them members of the guild. After briefly explaining how the guild works and it's perks the pair decide to join. The adventurer tells them about a member of the Lord's Alliance who has requested aid of the Adventurers Guild and he believes that they would be suitable. The pair read the letter of contract which explains that a small fishing community near Leilon has suddenly gone quiet. With the recent attacks of the Cult of Talos they fear it may be them. Sildar Hallwinter and a small patrol are heading to investigate. Accepting the quest to pair head to the Neverwinter south gate to meet with Sildar.   When they arrive the meet Sildar Hallwinter for the first time. A greying knight, clad in polished full plate on top of a white stead. He loans the pair two chestnut riding horses and they set off to Leilon Point at haste. Along the route they discuss the previous attacks and that Phandalin District and Shipping Company had mostly wiped out the Cult of Talos worshippers, however there had been a few revenge attacks along the coast by Gadrille Reef Reaver, the former second in command of Fherelia Stormsworn, leader of the Anchorites of Talos.   Arriving on the outskirts of the fishing village the three guards dispatched from Leilon meet them explaining they have had a quick look around and the village seems abandoned. Dismounting their horses and moving into the village they can see some of the houses have been attacked and the occupants are no where to be seen. however a couple are boarded up. Trying to gain access the group hears shouts and cries coming from inside. A small gnome man opens the door a crack and once Sildar explains they are hear from Neverwinter to aid them he relaxes and lets them in. He explains that people were going missing in the night and the sounds of their cries could just be heard through out the night. Suspecting that they were still nearby the pair began looking round the village and surrounding area.   Whilst checking the fishing boats they find a cave entrance which leads to a small network of caves. Inside the dark they find the headless corpses of the fisher folk. Jhon shouting to Sildar and the guards to come Draco searched the bodies more thoroughly, realising that their hearts had all been removed. With the back up of the guard the group moves into the second cave to be ambushed by the waiting cultist. With Draco leading the way the copper dragonborn takes a slice from a cultists scimitar, almost instantly he begins to froth at the mouth and roaring in an uncontrollable rage. His great axe emanating a deep red glow, Draco charges at the closest cultist chopping him down. Jhon firing his eldritch blast up to the archers taking one of them down. During the skirmish one of the Leilon patrol members falls with an arrow to the neck. With area clear the group moves further into the cave network finding a huge clam, however unable to open it and hearing chanting coming from further in the continue.   In the final cave they find a woman chanting in front of a huge shark corpse, on the floor around the shark are the human hearts. As she reaches the end of her ritual the hearts begin to all pulse in synchronization. Turning she blasts on of the patrol with an icy chill, his arms, legs and torso quickly becoming encased in ice as he is frozen in his death throws. Jabbing and slicing at the others they all react and begin to slash and stab at her. Fighting in close quarters to Gadrille she uses thunder wave pushing them back against the hard cave walls. However after Draco continuing his berserk rage, manages to significantly bring her down. Devon Jhons pseudodragon manages to get a lucky strike on the neck and she falls prone unable to breath. As she dies she reaches out touching the shark corpse.   With Draco's rage subsiding he notices the humans hearts begin to pulse in synchronization. He quickly pours the contents of his oil flask onto the shark and ignites it. However it is too late as the giant corpse begin to twitch and move. Suddenly the expose ribcage begins to rapidly move like centipede legs and the shark lunges at Draco taking a huge bite. Falling to cave floor his body covered in blood. Sildar realising the grave injury heals Draco and they continue fighting with the undead creature. Jhon is struck by the tail and launched once again into the hard cave wall. Whilst recovering he notices that the sharks much larger heart is below the rib cage legs and it too beats in time with the human hearts. Using Devon to destroy some of the heart and his eldritch blast to get the remainder, Jhon slowly reduces the Sharks power whilst the other distract the shark. Just as Jhon makes the killing blow on the last heart he is bitten by the shark who rag dolls his body before spitting him out at Draco. Sildar trying to aid Jhon is also bitten and falls beside him, only draco remains, in a berserk state slicing helplessly at the shark corpse. Jhon as he lay dying speaks to Devon to strike at the giant shark heart.   The dragon sprinting between the many ribs cage legs manages to squeeze below the corpse and strike a poisonous blow. With a sudden explosion of blood spraying the room the shark corpse falls onto Devon crushing him. With the shark vanquished Draco helps Jhon and Sildar recover. Draco returns to the giant clam and eventually manages to pry it open revealing a huge pearl. The report back to the fishing village that they are now safe and begin their slow journey back to Neverwinter.

Rewards Granted

690 gold coins for completing the adventurers guild quest. 1 giant pearl (500 Gold)

Missions/Quests Completed

Investigate the disapearance of Leilon Point folk Kill the cultist Kill Gadrielle Reefreaver

Character(s) interacted with

Sildar Hallwinter - Lords Alliance member and confidant to Lord Dagult Neverember   Gadrielle Reefreaver - Leader of the remaining Anchorites of Talos   Flinar Ralolar - Owner of Arcane Acuisitions, inventing the light spell orb for Draco.
The Big Clear out
Report Date
24 Aug 2023
Secondary Location
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