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Troubles in Kythyss Report Part II

The Cogs of the Clock Turn Ever Into Place

General Summary

We pick up where we left our courageous heroes, in the port city of Kythyss.   Eleanora, distraught over the sudden aging instilled by the ghost scare she had, was comforted by Clarinda and Seigmeyer outside The Pestle and Mortar. The two gently consoled Eleanora to get rest and recover overnight in the Inn where they may recover under the safety of a roof. Lars, ever the fun-loving grumpy dwarf went to the Wear-Boar tavern to have a drink. After several drinks, and no sign of stopping, Lars was approached by a pair of gnome Royal assistants from the house of Bullbelly inviting the group to a feast in celebration of reopening the High Road and celebrating it's return to safety with the slaying of the wyverns and the Balhannoth in the ancient Temple of Zeaslureon. Lars in his celebratory mode decided to deliver the news to each of his colleagues but did not know which room each was in (even though they were grouped together), so began randomly opening doors upstairs. After stumbling upon a particularly embarrassing scene at his second door, he decided slipping a note under the door of each room would be the better method.   Clarinda, convinced she needed to help her friend Eleanora did what she knew best, read a book and look for the answers in the pages. He newest book, which she was to return to a library for a friend, seemed to have the answers, if only she could make sense of the words, written in an ancient language that seemed to defy understanding. After studying the pages for some time, she finally made out a single page. She understood the book to be a love poem. Perhaps the whole book being a love book.    
One shade the more, one ray the less, Had half impaired the nameless grace Which waves in every raven tress, Or softly lightens o’er her face; Where thoughts serenely sweet express, How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.  
  • A strange spell or poem of Cure Wounds from a Grimoire of Bathory House Library
  • While she understood the page, she seemed as though it may help, there being a shade with nameless grace that may open her thoughts and abilities. She felt as she said the stanza as though she herself felt more healthy and vigorous. She suddenly realized she had somehow with the poetry cast perhaps Healing Word or Cure Wounds. This was a divine spell, granted by gods to clerics, and she cast it. Perhaps she could use the book as a conduit to tap to divine spells and scrolls. But at what darkness or shadow did this open from?   In the morning, Farstrider returned from his long trance refreshed and new in understanding. Seemingly fully recovered from his quiet frightening possession and traumatic end the day before. Lars ensured all had information on the feast in the evening. And with that the group walked across the street to The Pestle and Mortar to see what they may have for potion to recover for Eleana.   Alas, the elven shopkeep Galathing gave most unfortunate news, he had been unable to transfer the spell Greater Restoration to a potion. It was beyond his capabilities. He did offer up a spell scroll though, which may of been of use. The spell scroll seemed to be the groups best chance yet. After discussing the price, Eleana realized she did not have the gold to purchase the spell. After some internal bartering with with Seigmeyer, as to attending church and praise of Lathander for Eleana, a deal was made and Seigmeyer purchased the scroll for his roguish comrade. This secured a solution for Eleana's sudden aging, however this created a new issue. Greater restoration was a powerful cleric spell, of which no clerics were currently travelling with the party with Eowyn being back in Saltmarsh and Oskar being on his own travels. Clarinda, being the ever adventurous thought she may reach into her possible new divine ability to try to cast the spell. Clarinda studied the spell, to understand it reached into her new understanding how love may heal and solve all and added the flair she felt the spell required and cast the spell ritually on Eleana. Her understanding was not in vain, for as she cast the spell, Eleana began to feel her younger vigor return, with a great spring which seemed to heal even old wounds she had received over all the years she had grown accustomed to. She truly felt fully restored to abilities as before, almost as if a younger smarter self.   Restored and rested, the group decided to return to the temple basement, this time more prepared for the dangers that lurked there. With Paladins in groups for protection, the group slowly ventured forth into the darkness. Seigmeyer, with Duskcrusher lit led the group down the stairs. Venturing forth they returned to the main chamber, and finalized the rubbings on the stones. These appeared to be possible vaults for the ancient deceased. With that the group continued their exploration. In the next room, the group found the sad remains of the temple residents and their fate from the collapse. Around a cracked and ruined statue of Chauntea, several corpses and deteriorated bodies lied, still in their holy vestiges, though now more deteriorated from the 2 years laying out. Dust and rubble covered everything, a standing reminder of the tragic event that brought the temple down. Exploring the rooms beyond the group found the records rooms, with shelves of scrolls and books. After much looking, the group found where the most recent log of goods and orders received was kept. Seigmeyer, ever the vigilant Paladin of Lathander sensed undead still in the area, as well as the location being desiccated became alert and heard scratching in the remaining halls. Lars, searching another room also heard the scratching and shuffling, each investigated cautiously to find a group of zombies walking the halls, as well as several rats. After a quick scuffle, the zombies and a few rats lay dead on the ground, and the group cleared the last few rooms finding them to be the remaining bunk and bedrooms rooms for the priests and priestesses.   As the group began to exit the under temple of Chauntea, their curiosity began to get to Clarinda and Lars. They began to investigate the runic stones along the main room. Upon further investigation they found the stone slabs to be mortored covers for the ruins old graves. With additional investigation, Lars was able to find a pry point and pried the center slab out, allowing the group to enter the space. Upon opening the slab, Lars was confronted with stale old air, and a beautiful sarcophagus of pearl and gold inlays, untouched and undisturbed from a time long ago. Curiosity sated, the group reaffixed the entry and slab, leaving the sarcophagus intact and looked to the second stone slab. Choosing the stone to the right. As Lars began prying the slone away, he immediately noticed the air was no longer stale in this chamber, it seemed fresh, although smelled of iron.   As the slab gave way and the entry was cleared, the group witnessed a grisly scene. Similar to the previous tomb, a golden and pearled sarcophagus sat in the center of the chamber, but the chamber had sprayed blood stains covering the walls and floor. The Eleana immediately picked up on the signs of a vicious and long battle, with footprints disturbing the layers of dust, and slashing and broken bits from strikes which either missed their marks or gashed bloodstains across the room. The footprints in the dust then led to the wall seemingly vanishing. She immediately deduced a hidden door had to be present. Lar's, investigating the sarcophagus, noticed a funnel on the upper side, stained dark with old blood, and a seeming pipe extruding from the wall where it may discharge above the funnel. The group immediately expected a vampyre of some sort. Seigmeyer, the Paladin of Lathander, one to take these seriously immediately prepared holy water and poured it in the funnel to weaken any monster.   The group, prepared for the battle of their lives, surrounded the sarcophagus and prepared to open the lid. As the lid crashed to the ground, the group stood stunned around the ancient crypt. Within the small box lay an old weathered body, dried and mummified in royal vestige robed in a royal silver and mithril armor with golden accents. A silver bladed dagger, covered in magical runes and a jeweled pommel remained protruding through the chestplate and into the corpses heart. With signs of a vampire all about, the group immediately lit the corpse aflame with some spirits and some spells.   Investigating the hidden door, the group found it led through a hidden tunnel to an old storeroom, which Eleana had previously already found in the previous investigation but had no time to investigate. Eleana though, now convinced vampires were working in the area believed them to likely use the ancient temple and decided to run a scouting mission that night to see who may enter or leave the ruins.   Never one to miss a feast, Lars then led the group back to town to prepare for the feast and meet the infamous Bullbelly.   Upon approaching the city hall, a gnome herald holds the group to make proper entrance and announcements per ancient custom. As he asks how to be introduced, as a group or by individual title Lars responded to be Lars, Son of Lars of House Lars and each as his friend. Entering the main room, in one corner, chamber musicians play a serenade to which no one dances. People instead mill in their selective circles, quiet voices exchanging gossip and favors relevant only to the wealthiest and most scandalous of the city. . As the group enters the hall, brightly colored banners hang from the roof and wreaths line the pillars, each adorned with flowers of the season. Whole cooked pigs, bowls of baked vegetables, and crispy bread loaves steam on the tables alongside full glasses of wine and ale. But, for now, most seem to be ignoring the feast.  The gnome, eying the dwarf curiously, but one to never miss proper introductions as requested does as such
    'Introducing Lars, Son of Lars, of House Lars and Friend, and Friend, and Friend, and Friend... and Friend'
    Clarinda and Seigmeyer, more accustomed to noble and official parties as such both laugh at the literal translation the gnome took to Lar's request.   While most nobles ignore the announcements, a few members of the group notice the dwarven merchants eying the group curiously upon the name announcement. Lars, ever one to meet new allies approaches the dwarven group. Approaching he sees a waitress bringing full tankards and readily grabs one. Clarinda, eying the feast table immediately makes her way to 'investigate' which food is the best with Welby. Seigmeyer, ever vigilant begins investigating for undead or fiends in the area. As doing so he begins to smell sulpher and brimstone, sign of a fiend in his immediate area. He quickly keys in on a group of mercenaries talking in the center on the chamber. Seigmeyer approaches from behind the group and realizes a Cambion is among the group. Seigmeyer had heard of such fiends being in employ of mercenary groups but had never seen one around Waterdeep. As he stands behind the Cambion, one of the mercenary members notices him and asks if he can help him or what his issue is. After some quick banter back and forth joking about everyone needing a bath, they wished each other good day and Seigmeyer joined Clorinda at the feast table to fill his stomach. Clarinda informs him of which food is best, what to avoid, and they fill their stomachs on the fine meal.   Lars, never one to eat when ale, wine and spirits are aplenty heartily speaks with the group of dwarves he saw upon entering the room. One sturdy old dwarf eyes him up and down and asks Lars if he truly is Lars, son of Lars, and if he was fully claiming now to be of House and regain Moradin's blessing. He then began asking Lars if he had returned to reclaim it, whether he was going to build an army as the last one to try or plan to go about other methods. Lars stood proudly he was always working to reclaim it and voiced concern he had to try to reclaim. However, Lars was now confused to the questioning as they seemed very pointed to him, not in a general dwarven fashion. The old dwarf, who introduced himself as Bofrol, of House Dorgin wished his condolences and may Moradin smile on him.   Lars grabbed another tankard and downed it while making his way across the room. He eyed Bullbelly in the back, a loud and boisterous figure. Bullbelly had a group of his local elite soldiers around him laughing and drinking. A small contingent of 2 or 3 gnomes stood around helping to refill Bullbelly's tankard as it was emptied and getting him food if he requested it. Lars approached cautiously, but his caution was immediately put to ease as Bullbelly saw him approach with an empty tankard and yelled for his servant to fill Lars' tankard immediately. With a jovial shout Bullybelly called and asked Lars what news of Thaltemeir and a jovial toast
    '“May the hinges of friendship never rust, or the wings of love lose it's scales.”
    Bullbelly asked for news from north, and what brought Lars to the south. Interested in hearing the mine was open Bullbelly asked if the ore quality was still as good as it was of past, and requested a sample if available. Lars guaranteed a sample for Bullbelly's gnome servant to retrieve and study in the morning, forgetting they had given an earlier sample to the Marchioness' quartermaster upon arrival in Kythyss 2 days ago. He gladly made smalltalk with Bullbelly for the next hours, swapping adventure and battle tales and drinking ale and wine.   While the feast went on, Eleana made her plans to watch the ruins. She slipped out of the feast unnoticed by anyone and quietly made her way across the city dark streets. Outside the city, she made her way up to the hilltop of the ruin and found a nice hiding spot to view the ruin. As she sat there, nothing moved in the night, no ghosts, ghasts, nor even homeless scavengers didn't disturbed the ruin. Eleana decided the vampire, then likely long dead from the previous dagger might have been alone so she began making her way down the old road back towards the city gates. She made a plan to investigate the Buzzard and find why he may find issue with the Marchioness.   Clarinda and Welby, back at the party watched the Marchioness from across the room. They were curious as to her story, but decided not to approach the woman until they had additional information from Seigmeyer and Eleana from their investigations. Clarinda noticed another small group of gnomes assisting the Marchioness, attending to her requests operating as her Lady in Waiting.   Eleana, approaching the city gates, began to get a chill down her spine. however in the darkness of the night she could not distinguish what or who approached her. Suddenly she heard a haunting voice call out in the night as 4 individuals seemed to materialize out of the darkness around her. The one before her, a tall, lean, with raven-black hair is slicked back, oiled and neatly tucked behind pointed ears. He moves with an otherworldly grace—each arch of a sculpted brow, each gesture with a manicured hand, each careful step a measured, purposeful action. His alluring lips part in a perfectly crooked smile, and Eleana spies canines sharp and keen as a wolf’s. He speaks again, 'Eleanora Deveraux, the masters have requested your presence and wishes for you to take your place. Please accompany me so we may set forth.'   Eleana, usually one never one to be taken by surprise, is taken aback and surprised by the sudden appearance and their bold approach and request, dumbfoundedly she draws her family sword and a dagger from her waist. Never to stand down, she snarls at the vampire, and growls lowly at him
      Seeming undisturbed, the vampire returns the stare and looks Eleana in the eye, face to face he flashes his half crooked smile again, charmingly making his request again.
    "Ah Eleanora Deveraux, sister, the master does truelly wish the daughter to rise up. Again, please accompany me so we make make haste from this place.'
    Eleana, looking the vampire in his eyes suddenly fett to the creatures charm, she sheathed her blades, and began to follow the group of 4 down the dark road into the night.   Welby, Farstrider, Clarinda, Lars, and Seigmeyer made their way back from the main hall to their rooms at the Wereboar Inn. In the morn, Lars readily met with a gnome identified as Jordri Roddleneddle for Lord Bullbelly to present and inspect some ore samples. Jordri happily recieved the samples and made way to inspect them, asking for clarification on how to make contact for orders if the samples held up to claim.   Seigmeyer impatiently stood outside the Inn waiting to be joined by Eleana to attend a Lathander service in return for purchase of the restoration spell. After waiting for a while, he began demanding her whereabouts. Clarinda, sharing rooms in the Inn reported she had never returned from the previous night. Their friend was missing. But where in the city was she?

    Missions/Quests Completed

    The group successfully investigated the temple ruins, finding the temple had ordered a bell to be delivered for a new celebration. The bell delivered was enchanted with runes, which Seigmeyer identified as semi common in bells for them to amplify sound for more carrying across cities.
    '“May the hinges of friendship never rust, or the wings of love lose it's scales.” - A toast by Fryndar Bullbelly
    Previous Report -
    Report Date
    03 Dec 2022
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location
    'Never.' - Eleanora Deveraux, alone, staring down 4 vampires.


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