IotWW: 13. Private Room

Purpose / Function

  • This comfortable room is the quarters of one Furnok of Ferd, a 'treasure finder'. 
  • He loves to gamble, in part since he knows how to nick cards and has a pair of loaded knucklebones. (This gives him a 60% probability of winning at cards, and 75% at dice.) 
  • He is careful to play so as to not be caught cheating, and makes a modest living thus, mostly skinning passing merchants.
  • If offered a chance to adventure, Furnok is willing to go along for an equal share (plus all he can surreptitiously lift, particularly magic items, which he covets). 
  • To show his good faith, however, he will put up a scroll of protection from magic, hoping to parlay it into far more. 
  • If the worst should come, he has a dagger +1 hidden in his boot.
  • He also has a ring of invisibility and the aforementioned scroll and dagger.


  • If the worst should come, he has a dagger +1 hidden in his boot.
  • Furnok's funds consist of a small hoard of 37 gems worth 50 gp each (three bloodstones, eight carnelians, four chalcedon, four citrines, six onyx, and nine zircons), and 12 sp and 12 gp for gambling.
  • He also has a ring of invisibility and the aforementioned scroll and dagger.