IotWW: 6. Private Room

Purpose / Function

  • This chamber is rented by Zert, a fighter who is ostensibly awaiting the return of a caravan from the south, but who is actually a Chaotic Evil spy for the Temple. 
  • The traders (area 13) know who and what Zert really is, but he does not know that they are also pawns of Evil. 
  • Zert will happily go with adventurers for an equal share of treasure.
  • He will as readily betray them, help to slay them, and take their goods. 
  • He has double the capacity of an ordinary man, able to drink great quantities without becoming drunk. 


  • He carries 20 gp in his purse.
  • His medium warhorse and lance are in the stable.
  • Saddlebags on the table herein hold other garments.
  • A pouch in plain view holds 27 sp, 12 ep, and 40 gp.
  • Hidden in a locked coffer under some of his clothing are 265 gp, 100 pp, and 10 pearls, each black but flawed (worth 100 gp each, but seeming to 10 times that value to the unskilled or casual observer).