Christopher Haversom

CEO Christopher Haversom

Chrisopher Haversom is the CEO of Destek, a Technology and Research Company based just south of New Vegas. It is unclear just how, but until 2284 he somehow was owed a favor by the Courier. This favor was paid out by granting Haversom ownership of the Repconn properties inside the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave. Chris went on to reverse engineer battery and large-scale engine technology, creating steam-electric Train Engines, which by 2300 were eventually use inside the Mojave Wasteland  In 2288, in order to manufacture and sell these engines, as well as continue research into other technologies, Chris founded Destek. As CEO he was contacted again by the Courier in 2300, this time to attempt to optimize and overhaul the nearby Helios One solar power plant. Haversom took a team of his top scientists and engineers and delivered. In return Destek received a constant portion of the new power output for their nearby Test Site to the south.    In 2298 Haversom made the decision to open Destek to Vegas's new stock market, as of 2300 Destek stock is worth 20 caps per share.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Haversom has an alarmingly raspy voice, to the point where many can mistake his voice for that of a ghoul's.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Haversom is an incredibly talented man in terms of science and engineering, having invented steam-electric engines as well as successfully launch rockets.
Year of Birth
2246 AD 54 Years old
Black, balding
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Causcasian, Tan
5' 5"
125 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
English, Codelink
Ruled Locations


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