Helios One

Helios One is a Solar Power Plant located northwest of Novac inside the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave. It provides power to the various companies and test sites of the Mojave Wasteland. It also provides about 10% of its power to the various settlements of the FEZ, as a backup to Hoover Dam  Prior to the apocalypse, the power plant was owned by Poseidon Energy, a partner to the U.S military. This lead to many reporters and protestors to gather outside the facility on a regular basis. What became of this is unknown.   Helios One changed hands repeatedly during the late 2200s. Originally in the hands of the Brotherhood of Steel until the end of the NCR-Brotherhood War in 2275, the NCR controlled it until early 2282, when they were removed from the Mojave at the end of the Mojave Campaign  Following the restart of industry in the Mojave, Helios One was optimized by Destek in 2290, raising its power output to 100%, in exchange for consistent portion of power for their test sites. The Followers of the Apocalypse claim that Helios One is being used for other means though, as the Facility is protected by the Securitron Army, and the Mojave Rangers.

Purpose / Function

Helios One supplies power to the various companies and settlements of the Mojave. It also stores power for emergency situations.


Helios One is guarded by a squad of Securitrons and a squad of Mojave Rangers. Additionally Followers who used to work in the facility report that there are several automated defenses throughout the facility.
Founding Date
Power plant
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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