Followers of the Apocalypse

The Followers of the Apocalypse are considered the Red Cross of the modern world. Founded in 2079 by vault dwellers near Dayglow, these activists dedicate their lives to teaching and healing throughout the Southwest. Once allies of the New California Republic, they are regularly threatened by the government with being declared a terrorist organization, due to the Followers' repeated attempts to counteract NCR's aggressive expansion.    The followers travel to distant tribes or city slums and set up camps for healing the sick, helping addicts get clean, and teaching the poor. When the NCR was a benefactor they could do so easily, now they rely entirely on scavenging and generous donations to survive. Either way, they refuse to stop, and do their best. However, they saw a drastic reduction in members in 2267, when they brokered a deal with NCR. In order to avoid being declared terrorists, they agreed to disarm their members, and rely on hired guns or helpful allies to defend their camps. By the time of the Second Battle for Hoover Dam, they had established a major post in the old Mormon Fort inside New Vegas's poor area. Following the rise of the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave the Fort became filled with people, due to the rising population seeking refuge behind Vegas's growing walls. By 2300 their camp, still inside the old fort walls, had expanded to become a 6 story complex, rising up with the city around it.


The Followers do not have any sort of coherent structure. Each post is entirely independent from the next, but they are more than willing to reach out and help one another. Each post is filled with doctors, and teachers, but there are a few specialist positions in posts as well, including the treasurer, librarian, and researcher.


The Follwers have only what they can scrounge up from the areas they work in, as well as whatever monetary or item donations they can get.
Founding Date
Activist, Charity
Alternative Names
the Followers, Red Cross, the Charity


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