Hoover Dam

Hoover Dam is located on the border with the Mojave Wasteland and Arizona. It is firmly under the control of the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave as of 2300, but was under the control of the New California Republic from 2255 until December of 2281. It provides about 4 billion Kilowatt-hours a year, which is more than enough for the 1.5 million inhabitants of the FEZ, with more to spare and be sent to the NCR for a price. Additionally Lake mead, which is formed behind the Dam, provides clean water to the entire area, as well as more to NCR, also at a price. Hoover Dam was the site of two major battles, one in 2277, and the second in 2281, the first resulted in an NCR Victory over the Legion, and the second resulted in a Vegas victory over both of those factions.   As of 2300 the dam was under reconstruction, to repair its aging integrity, and to restore it to full pre-war functionality, which will eventually double its power output. This is repair work is projected to take place until 2320.

Purpose / Function

Hoover Dam is used as a power plant, providing millions across the Southwest with power.


Hoover Dam is defended by artillery, hundreds of Securitron Bots, and dozens of Mojave Rangers. The Dam itself is practically a concrete fortress, bridging the west with the rest of the Wasteland.
Founding Date
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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