New California Republic

The New California Republic is a nation formed out of the ruins of the American Southwest in 2189 by various cities and settlements in the Southern and central California area. The capital, Shady Sands, is one of largest and safest cities in the wasteland. It sees itself as the successor of Democracy, though it repeatedly struggles to do so. In it 111 years of existence it has gone from a beacon of hope to a struggling nation on the brink of financial and supply collapse. Its citizens have civil rights and many freedoms, including voting for their representatives and leaders, but like all Republics, the NCR struggles to balance the amount of freedoms it allows with capitalism and stability. Steadily growing to control a swath of territory from Oregon to the tip of the Baja Peninsula, it attempted to begin expanding east in the 2250's and it almost broke the nation. Across the Rocky Mountains was the Mojave Wasteland and, beyond that, Caesar's Legion. The NCR quickly mobilized to occupy Hoover Dam and the various settlements, but found it was not master of the territory. Robert House controlled New Vegas, a massive ruin/city and the Hoover Dam. Mr. House, thankfully made deals and treaties to allow the NCR to patrol the Mojave at their leisure, and control the Dam, provided they sent 5% of the power to the Vegas Strip. The NCR was more than happy to expand and let the power flow, but at the same time, the nation underwent drastic changes. Back in the heart of the NCR, the Senate set in motion a spiral of events with a single vote: to break ties with the increasingly demanding Brotherhood of Steel.   Longstanding partners from their days fighting the Enclave, the Brotherhood's reluctance to share technology with the growing nation resulted in the two breaking ties. The Brotherhood, no longer beholden to any treaties, began seizing technology as they pleased from ruins, including those inside NCR. This resulted in a confrontation with the NCR Rangers near Reno in 2256, as shot were fired, full war broke out. Despite the Brotherhood's superior training and technology, the NCR's superior numbers, drive, and morale, eventually won out, but not without great losses. In 2260, at the height of hostilities, the Brotherhood conducted simultaneous raids on the city of Redding and Fort Aradesh. The holding ground for the NCR's gold reserve, and the city that mined it. Crippling the NCR's economy, their brand new dollar plummeted in value as people began losing faith in what they had, and started using Bottle caps again. To stop the economic plummet, the Senate voted to end the gold standard and begin using a Fiat standard for currency, or currency backed by government promise. This did not sit well with most citizens, and though it stopped the crash, complete lack of faith in an empty dollar never allowed it to recover. By the time of 2300 the $NCR is still only worth 1/5th of a bottlecap. Despite this crash the Brotherhood was still reeling, and the war came to an unceremonious end as the last chapter still fighting in the Mojave, the group at Helios One, fled into the wastes in 2275.   Celebrating the NCR's victory, New Vegas opened for business that same year, and the caps started flowing. Desperately trying to turn its fortunes around from financial crisis, the new NCR President Aaron Kimball, declared that the Mojave held the key to the Republic's future. Filled with resources, and new settlements, the Army garrisoned various places throughout the territory, and it backfired. Not quite happy at losing their protection in Baja, the Brahmin Barons, powerful ranchers who control the NCR's food supply, petitioned to have Army and Ranger forces to redirect to them, or the NCR would see less food at its markets. In order to maintain the numbers needed to defend the Mojave, and protect the Homefront, conscription was instituted. Wildly unpopular with both young men and women, it nevertheless became the go-to method for the Army to maintain its numbers. Despite this conscription, the Mojave was simply too large to adequately patrol. Enter: Caesar's Legion. In a brutal strike at Hoover Dam in 2277, the Legion began breaking the overstretched NCR Army at the Dam. It fell to the Rangers to save the situation. Drawing the Legion into Boulder City, and detonating charges, killing thousands of Legion troops, and 103 NCR Rangers and Troopers, the day was won, if barely. The Legion did not leave the Colorado River, instead it reevaluated its situation, and slowly began chipping away at the NCR.   For three years the Legion seized footholds all along the Nevada side of the canyon, raided and burned towns, and plagued NCR Camps and Ranger Stations. Over the course of those three years the view of the NCR citizen took a downturn. Over 2000 casualties were reported each year alone, for the NCR's first major conflict with another superpower, this was a stark reality. To make matters worse famine and harsh weather stripped ranches and reservoirs, putting even more power in the hands of the Barons, who could now skyrocket prices for more rare goods. It meant prolonged economic trouble as well, and widespread depression. What little money NCR citizens earned was spent in the neon filled lights of the Vegas Strip. Supply lines suffered, and recruits were needed so badly that conscripts got only 2 weeks of training before being sent north of Mojave Outpost, which only hurt military performance overall. By the time of 2281 the NCR Senate was actively denouncing the president and military leaders for keeping the Republic involved in a war over settlements and territory that did not want the Republic's presence. Widespread violence against NCR settlers and personnel from Mojave locals was becoming common, and only the power and water from Hoover Dam was making the fight worth it. When Mr. House was assassinated, NCR saw its chance to attempt to annex the Strip and Mojave entirely, it ended poorly for both them, and the Legion. When the Legion stormed the Dam again in December, the NCR was nearly in full retreat, its rangers no longer packing the punch they used too, being stretched just as thin as the infantry. When hope was lost, the Courier appeared, storming across the Dam with companions, the Legion Fort exploded out of nowhere, and a restored bomber reigned fire down on the legion areas. Caesar lay dead, and Legate Lanius's will to fight was broken. General Lee Oliver went to thank the Courier, and learned a startling truth. The NCR had not won the day, Vegas did. The Courier proclaimed the start of an independent Mojave, and told the General that the choice to pull out or be thrown out was his. The Senate made it for him. In 2282 the NCR and Vegas signed the Second Treaty of New Vegas. NCR personnel would be removed entirely from the Mojave, Vegas would control the Dam, and the Republic was to pay for its power and water, in caps. Finally the NCR could not keep its citizens from visiting the Vegas Strip, and may maintain its current embassy to deal with them.   In the following weeks the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave was founded, and the Senate forced President Kimball, General Oliver, and Ranger Chief Hanlon to resign, and the NCR Rangers, the hope of the people, were disbanded for how poorly they performed. This was the straw that broke the Brahmin's back for many Ranger Personnel. Most had been in the Mojave for over a decade, had built lives there, and were being forced to return to a decaying nation in disgrace. Then a counteroffer was made by the Courier, instead of that fate, they could renounce their NCR citizenship, and be the founding members of the Mojave Rangers, with better pay, equipment, and supplies, and without a broken chain of command over them. And just like that, the NCR lost most of its experienced veterans.   That spring NCR elections resulted in a massive shift in politics, with Lucinda Bailey, senator from Hub being elected President. Bailey immediately set about consolidating the NCR as a whole. It began to help, but not by much. By 2285 the NCR was left with a devalued currency, a massive unemployment problem with returning troopers, most of its leadership in disgrace, a food shortage, and heavy payments to Vegas for Power and Water. The Republic spent the next ten years in peace, and stagnation, states like Reno and Vault City were actively talking of secession, and President Bailey was debating these senators and leaders on radio live, when an enemy returned in force. The Legion never stopped fighting the Republic, though it moved its fight south of the Mojave, near the Gulf of Baja and Yuma, but the Legion's internal power struggle after the death of Caesar had kept it from launching large offensives. Then in 2299, with the new Caesar Aurelius and Legate Indolus, they launched an all out attack on the canyon town of Verde. The unsuspecting town and garrison fell quickly, and the Legion kept marching, only reinforcements from Camp Baja halted the advance but as of 2300 the threat remained. If the Legion broke through, they could threaten the Republic's meager food supply in Baja, and break the back of the Bear for good. This strike brought the republic together, not out of patriotism or valor, but simply survival and desperation. The fight is no longer in a distant territory, but on their doorstep, and the Legion has already kicked in the door.   With a new generation of young men and women being forced into conscription, against an enemy that never seems to tire, immigration into the Mojave is high, to the point where the Senate has begun debating if banning emigration might be necessary, but visiting and vacations must continue, after all, the treaty demands it.


The Republic is a Federal institution, with the President and their council forming the executive, and the Senate forming the Legislative. Their is not supreme court, so individual courts are up to interpret the law. Senators, and the president, serve for 5 year terms, with no term limits. And though the people vote for them, the senators are often on other payrolls. With Aaron Kimball's presidency in 2273, many policies of Tandi and Aradesh's administrations were eroded completely, the senate's numbers drastically increased, to increase the voices heard, but it causes almost complete stagnation within legislation, with over 600 senators, for only six states. The military gets massive funding due to the very real threat of Caesar's Legion, as well as potential threat from the FEZ. Infrastructure is minimal, and President Bailey's terms have been spent to change this.


The NCR has seen better days by the turn of the 24th Century. With a military numbering around 300,000 troops, mostly under-equipped conscripts, was once the pride of the west, but it has repeatedly failed to protect settlements, and has lost two major engagements within the past two decades. NCR also has a fleet of Vertibirds captured from the old Enclave, but they are reluctant to use them, as they cannot replace them. It once had massive economic sectors with the Crimson Caravan Company and Gun Runners supplying massive amounts of jobs and economic benefit to the nation. These are gone. When the Republic appeared to be the losing bet, they moved their headquarters to Vegas. Though they maintain factories and a presence in California, it is no longer what it was. Finally the wealthy of the the nation, the Food and water merchants, own a massive amount of the senators and land, subverting popular rule on a regular basis.

Demography and Population

The NCR has a population of around 30 million.


NCR Territory Consists of 6 states, Oregon which is just the old land of Oregon, Norcal, which is the northern portion of California, Shady, which is the center of the Republic, with its capital, Reno, which is northern and western Nevada, Angel, which is southern California, and Baja, which is the Baja Peninsula.


The NCRA or New California Republican Army is the military of the Republic. It has three distinctions, the Air Army, Army, and Special Forces. The Army consists of 300,000 conscripted and volunteer soldiers, of various degrees of veterancy. Troopers are equipped evenly when they can, but usually frontline soldiers have to buy or scrounge up equipment. Standard troops have tan fatigues, gloves, and boots, chest armor and doughboy helmet. They are armed with the NCR Service Rifle, a reliable rifle modelled after the M16, but with wooden barrel shroud, grip, and stock. It fires 5mm rounds from a 20 round magazine, the Rifle allows for minimal modification without changing out its wooden parts for polymer, which many NCOs try to save up for.
A Trooper with non standard cowl, bandana and pouches.  
A standard Service Rifle   The NCR Army is organized from pairs, as no soldier does anything alone. From their they are put into teams of four, lead by a corporal. Two teams make up a squad led by a sergeant, then 4 squads make a platoon lead by a First Sergeant. 4 Platoons make a company led by a lieutenant. 4 Companies make a battalion led by a Captain. From Captains you have Majors which run camp and forts. Then you have Colonel who will run major military installations like Camp Baja and Mojave Outpost. Above Colonels are Generals. The Republic has 7 Generals, one for each state, and another for the active frontline combat with the legion.  
A Frontline NCR Officer   The NCRAA or Air Army is made up of 20 Vertibirds and their crews. They see little action though, as the NCR is reluctant to lose Vertibirds they can't replace. A crew is made up of a pilot, co-pilot, two gunners and an onboard mechanic.   The NCR Special Forces is a new department. Where once the NCR Rangers stood in this position, they have since been disbanded, and replaced by the NCR DEWARS. Desert Exploration, Warfare And Recon Specialists. These special forces are dedicated frontline units, chosen only from NCO ranks, these troopers cannot be conscripts. Rigorous training takes place at Camp Baja, now near the Frontline, these dangerous units now plague Legion camps, with deadly efficiency. Armed with Desert camo fatigues, armored boots, duster, and duster., with an enclosed helm with gas mask and night vision or thermal goggles.

Technological Level

The NCR is considered a "modern" nation of the Post War World. It has cities, companies, roads, railroads, a regular military, air force, currency and elected government. However your wealth determines a major difference in lifestyle. Poor live in slums or outside cities in small wasteland communities that may or may not have amenities. The middle class lives in large towns or much better sections of cities. The rich dwell on massive ranches or estates, and building penthouses. Despite the advent of these infaratructure progressions, cars are beyond saving, and railroads are reserved for cargo. People regularly train hop, risking criminal charges.

Foreign Relations

The NCR is currently embroiled in a major war with the Legion, and is in an economic and political partnership with the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave. It borders various tribes in the old ruins of Washington State, and currently lacks the force or drive to settle that area, though various skirmishes occur monthly their.

For the Republic

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
NCR, the Republic, California, the Bear, the West
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
$NCR or NCR dollars, are the paper currency of the west. It is considered worthless anywhere else, and even the Republic's own people barely use it, as it has no backing, other than the failing government's word. 5 $NCR=1 Cap.
Major Exports
It may not be a true export, but the NCR sends money into the FEZ daily. Not just the government, but the people as well, in order to continue to fund its economy and pay its home companies, it constantly prints money. But in terms of how much money the NCR and its citizens lay in the pockets of Vegas, 2 million caps...daily.
Major Imports
The NCR imports Water and power from the FEZ constantly. It also imports arms and ammunition from Mojave companies for its ever-needy army, along with raw materials for its own industry and food for its people. In total the Republic government forks over about 50 million caps every year. Only caps too, as $NCR is near worthless in the Mojave.
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