
Dayglow is a massive city in California, and is on the road leading into the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave. It is also the site where the Followers of the Apocalypse started in 2079. Dayglow was also one of the founding cities of the New California Republic. A large city founded in the immediate aftermath of the Apocalypse, Dayglow quickly became a center of trade, despite being on what was once the southern border of the NCR. After the Republic's expansion into Baja and the Mojave Wasteland, the city became a genuine trade and rest stop for travelers heading to New Vegas. Despite the failure of the Mojave Campaign and the rise of the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave, Dayglow continued to be a stop as NCR Citizens went to the Mojave to drown their sorrows and try to change their fortunes.


Dayglow has a large number of cement and stucco buildings.
Founding Date
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization


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