Motor Runner

Motor Runner was the leader of the Fiends, a group of drug addicted raiders who inhabited the outer ruins of New Vegas, and the prime founder, and disputed leader of, the Desert Horde  Motor Runner, despite those he surrounded himself with, very rarely partook in drugs, he fancied himself a warlord, and claimed his mind needed to be clear at all times to make decisions. In reality he made very few decisions, and left most of the operations to his lieutenants, who themselves controlled swaths of territory and desert surrounding Vegas. His lack of leadership was just as much a factor behind the Fiends' cuelty and barbarity, as there drug use was. Left to their own devices, they committed uncontrolled acts of violence, including murder, torture, and other heinous acts. Motor Runner himself would have a 60,000 NCR$ Bounty by the start of 2281, and he and his fiends killed any rangers and bounty hunters that came after them.    By the start of '82, Motor Runner would be evicted from the area by widespread military action from the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave, and already one of his Lieutenants, Cook-Cook had been killed. He would lead his 800 fiends to Vault 19, ran by Samuel Cooke and his powder Gangers. When Faye and her Renegade Khans arrived, Motor Runner fancied himself the most powerful of the warlords, and he made no secret of it. He was the first to propose an alliance, he fancied himself a king to be, and the unfortunate truth for everyone else, they needed to be able to stand against the army amassing against them. His most vocal adversary was Colt West, and the two would regularly disagree for the duration of the time together.    Unfortunately Motor Runner's plan would also work for the FEZ's advantage, as he had gathered all of its opposition in one place. Vault 19 would be struck by suprise, and Faye would retreat with her Khans immediately, while Samuel was killed not long after. The remainder fled with Motor Runner to the southwest, but Colt would continue to argue with him. This time it was dangerous however, as Motor's plan had gotten them into this mess, now even half his own fiends, including his top Lieutenant, Driver Nephi, were siding with Colt. Motor Runner wanted to head southwest, and into the ailing New California Republic, while Colt wanted to strike out to the southeast into the completely uncontrolled mexico territories. When the Vegas Army struck them again, Colt and those backing him took their chances, and fled with most of the host, around 1200 and Nephi, while Runner and his last Lieutenant, Violet, fled southwest towards the NCR Border.    Things would not go well for Motor Runner, after Violet died at the Battle of Sloan, He would make a final stand at the NCRCF ruins, dying a full six months before Colt West made his own, more famous last stand.
2248 AD 2282 AD 34 years old
Place of Death
Runner's Bluff
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 8"
120 lbs.
Aligned Organization


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