Colt West

Colt West was an outlaw within the Mojave Wasteland during the 2270's and 80's, who gained infamy during the Raider War. His most famous exploits are the Battle of Coyote Mines where he and his men killed over thirty Mojave Rangers, and his final stand known as Colt's Fall, where he and what was left of his gang were surrounded and went down fighting to the last against the Rangers. Known as the Fastest Gun in the West, he won no less than 30 duels, and his cunning mind united the failing Jackal and Viper Gangs beneath him as one.   Due to his fame, and lack of early records, many tall tales and myths arose about where he came from. Stories claim he was born from Nightstalker spit and Cazador venom, others that he was a pre-war immortal, some small town fibbers also say he was the reincarnation of Texas Red himself due to his red hair. A few who actually knew him though claim he came out of Primm, and was a courier prior to his life of crime. Though some stories claim he robbed banks, caravans, and even New California Republic trains as a teen, and that he lost his eye in a fist fight with a Super Mutant.   The myths stop, and the legends start, in 2278, when he started running with the Vipers. Colt, through fast draws and smooth talking, quickly rose to leadership. The Vipers regularly raided caravans, homesteads, and even NCR military supply trains, under him the gang became very dangerous. This spree continued into November of 2282, when the Jackal gang eventually joined him after he convinced their leader that they'd succeed easier this way. For a few months this would be the norm, until May, when, called by gathering forces in Vault 19. Colt would meet with the other rabble leaders, Motor Runner, Faye, Violet, Driver Nephi, and Samuel Cooke, to decide the future of all raiders and criminal groups. When uniting was proposed, Colt initially refused, he did not like the idea of painting an unignorable target on their backs, but after it was clear he may not walk out if he refused, he eventually voted in favor. And immediately regretted it, as on May 16th, the Mojave military annihilated the Vault, and bombarded the fleeing defenders. When Faye and her Khans fled, Colt defended her actions, stating they should do the same, while Motor Runner, strewn out on psycho and Jet, refused, but was eventually convinced by the rest.   These two would continue to but heads for eight days until Battle of Whittaker, where Colt and Runner finally split after the battle, with colt even taking Nephi and many fiends with him. Colt knew that the Mojave, and most of the Southwest for that matter, was no longer safe for outlaws, so his plan was to escape further south, around Legion territory, and into lawless lands of former Mexico. He never got the chance.   In October, his summer camp at Nipton was struck with the full might of the Mojave military. Barely escaping the battle with only 150 of what was 1000, Colt was the only one left to lead, with Nephi dying in battle. At this point Colt knew that he would most likely not make it to Mexico, but he still had to try. When he reached the Coyote mines near the Colorado River, the men watching the rear of the host saw the approaching army catching up to them, and he knew he was out of options. But he did knew one of those options was making them play by his rules. Colt fled into the mines, knowing there was probably an emergency shaft they could escape through, and knew it would be better than fleeing in the open desert. His plan worked. The Military couldnt use its air support or artillery and Armored troops, theyd be useless in the close quarters where they could be surrounded. So when the Rangers were sent in, the Outlaws went to work. The battle resulted in the highest proportional casualties of the war, 60% deaths on both sides, over 100 outlaws and thirty rangers. Colt's gamble paid off though, as he and the remainder of his men found the escape shaft and were able to get out safely.   Though he had higher casualties and was forced to flee, Colt considered the mines a victory, it had gone exactly as he wanted. Unfortunately it would also seal his fate. Angered by the deaths of so many rangers, Ranger Chief Andrew Roosevelt would request permission to take the vertibirds and detach from the army to hunt down the rest of Colt and his men. Eight days into the new year he and his men were surrounded by vertibirds, and the rangers that poured out of them. Colt knew it was the end, and made a final last ditch effort to talk his way out of it, but the rangers would not listen. And so he drew, and killed two rangers before anyone could react. Then, like the west of old, a desert gunfight broke loose. In eight minutes of fire and glory West and his men fell. Though many rangers wanted to leave him there, Chief Roosevelt ordered them buried, and presented his pistols to the Courier, as proof that the war was over.   Overall, Colt West and his men would go on to be the center of many tall tales, speculation, and infamy. This was only compounded when officials finally read his journal, and found a passage detailing a massive find of an old gold storage that he hid. Whether its true, or West simply having a laugh at whoever would read his things, is unknown. But was is known, is that it caused a wave of treasue hunters across the Mojave, and only served to agrandize his legends.
Date of Death
January 8th, 2283
2251 AD 2283 AD 32 years old
Circumstances of Death
Made a last stand against the Mojave Rangers
Place of Death
Colt's Fall, Mojave Wasteland
Green, Left eye gone
Ginger, Short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Tan
5' 10"
140 lbs.
Aligned Organization


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