
Faye was a warrior of the Great Khans, who would go on to lead a schism within the warriors and help found the Desert Horde. When the Khans and the Courier negotiated their leaving for the Wyoming territories, Faye and many warriors saw it as a disgrace, while Papa Khan and the other leadership saw it as a way to survive away fromthe growing nations of the Southwest. When the Khans began leaving, with many of the oldest going first, Faye and her followers broke off, with plans to march on Vegas. While making their way to Vegas, they came across Vault 19, which was filled with Raiders and fiends. Together, Faye helped found the Desert Horde with Motor Runner, Samuel Cooke, and Colt West, she would also be the first to abandon it. When the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave's Army and Mojave Rangers struck Vault 19, she took her khans and fled back to Red Rock Canyon.    Faye and her Khans would be isolated from the rest of the Horde for the duration of the Raider War. Despite her best efforts, they were doomed. Though she was able to hold off Commander Santino Cortez at the Canyon's entrance with a clever diversion. She had less than a hundred khans set up a fake camp and defend it. Faye's diversion paid off, and she earned a precious few days to fortify what was left of the Great Khan encampment. In the end it meant very little, When the waves of Securitrons, and armored and mobile infantry washed over them, she and her followers were wiped out, with those who surrendered would be flown to the rest of their host, weeks into their journey to Wyoming. Faye herself planned to make a final stand inside the old longhouse, in a hail of gunfire and glory. Instead, the Armored troops burned the building while she and her vanguard were still inside, bringing an unceremonius end to Faye and her renegades.    For the Khans who left, the only knowledge they received while on their journey were their comrades flown in. These survivors told a tale worse than Bitter Springs, of Red Rock being burned to ash, and robots and bombers raining missiles and bombs without end. In the end, Faye's rebellion only cemented the Khans' belief that they had made the right decision, the Mojave Wasteland was no longer safe for warbands like them.
Date of Death
June 22, 2282
Circumstances of Death
Burned Alive
Pink Pigtails
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned Brown
Aligned Organization


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