Wendell Peterson

Wendell Peterson was President of the New California Republic from 2253 until 2273, when he lost his bid for a fifth term to Aaron Kimball. Peterson was popular for most of his presidency, until he began to clearly push agendas from his backers sometime in his second term. He cleared away legislature that restricted the amounts of livestock and land that Land Barons could own, thus leading to large scale monopolization of the Republic's food sources in Baja. This direct centralization led to a massive food shortage that has been on going since the late 2260's due to droughts in Baja, as of 2300 the NCR was still attempting to counteract this with water purchased from the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave. Additionally, President Peterson introduced the law that tripled the number of senators, which was popular at first due to better representation. This quickly became a problem however, as only 6 states ended up with over 500 representatives total. The result is a senate that is constantly gridlocked, and a government caste that consumes massive amounts of taxes for their payroll. Peterson was also behind the Senate's push to sever ties with the Brotherhood of Steel in 2255, which ultimately resulted in the economically devastating NCR-Brotherhood War, which lasted beyond his terms in office.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
2202 AD 2294 AD 92 years old
Aligned Organization


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