NCR President

The President of the New California Republic is the head of the government, and responsible for directing the Nation in a routes of progress. They are also responsible for being the commander-in-chief of the NCR Military, leading the Senate in proceedings, and running the NCR Treasury.   The President is elected every five years on January 3rd. Any NCR citizen may run, even if they've served before, as there are no term limits. The presidency has been controversial for the people of the NCR, on one hand great presidents like Tandi and Aradesh are remembered fondly, while Wendell Peterson and Aaron Kimball are hated vehemently.


In order to be qualified to run for president, one needs to be an NCR Citizen of at least 25 years of age, and can run any number of times, provided they have not resigned the position, or been impeached by the Senate.


The President is responsible for running the military as commander in chief, deciding the course and focus of the nation, and running the NCR Treasury.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A President can resign at any point during their term, but they can also be impeached by a 2/3s majority vote of the Senate.
Civic, Political
Form of Address
Mister/Madam President
Source of Authority
NCR Constitution
Length of Term
Five Years
First Holder
Current Holders
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