
Baja is the capital of the Baja territory of the New California Republic, and the center of its food production. Notorious for its Brahmin Barons, essentially owners of the largest ranches and plantations in the Republic, these wealthy citizens regularly buy out senators and other politicians to get their way, including passing or blocking legislation, or, (more famously) when they demanded the bulk of the NCR Rangers to remain protecting their territory, rather than fight Caesar's Legion during the Mojave Campaign  Baja itself is a large, mostly stucco and cement city center, surrounded by miles of fields and pastures. As of 2300, it would seem the barons' meddling ended up backfiring on them. As their interfering with the war effort ended up forcing the Legion south, and putting Baja directly in their path.
Founding Date
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization


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