
"If we cannot master the mere fragment of the natural forces within, then we have no hope of besting those who wish to destroy the natural forces beyond."
- From the teachings of Silene Attiel
  Elementalists are a classification of warriors native to Kilvas operating under the greater umbrella of the Pathfinders and are known for using natural elements to augment their fighting prowess. The combat style originated during the Reclamation Era as a means of fighting against Surtr's forces, and was developed by emulating the techniques used by a particular species of his creations, warriors who were made of the elements of the world itself. Creatures whose skin was made of stone, whose hair was made of fire, or whose was saliva comprised of acid. What little records remain of such creatures list them as "Elementa(s)"   The Elementalists are descended from warriors who sought to wield similar powers. The history of the Elementalists states that the first to succeed was an Electrophorus woman, Silene Attiel, who successfully harnessed the raging tempest of thunder and lightning. Under her instruction, others began to learn how to channel such powers and would continue to expand upon on them. Today, there are six different schools, or forms, that an Elementalist may wield.

Becoming an Elementalist

Should a prospective Pathfinder choose to become an Elementalist on the Day of Divergence, they - alongside their new squadmates (if any) - will receive tutelage from an Elementalist who has been deemed capable enough by The Conclave. Like other subsects of the Pathfinders, their affinity for this path will have already been established.   Barring the rare exception of an individual who is compatible with the Form of Mutation, those who follow the path of an Elementalist will already be aware of what Form they are capable of wielding, even before the start of their formal training. Despite this, the core tenets of the training that an Elementalist receives are the same, no matter what form they will be pursuing. Aspiring Elementalists will spend the next four years learning the fundamentals of an Elementalist, acquiring universal combat arts and foundational techniques that can be employed by any Elementalist. It is not until the last year of instruction alongside their squad, 1 year before their Graduation that they will establish and practice techniques of their designated form.

Forms of an Elementalist

There are a total of 6 different forms that can be practiced by Elementalists. The form an Elementalist cultivates is based on their natural affinity with a particular element that is determined at birth. As they continue to practice their Form and hone their skills, their bodies will begin to exhibit minor physical changes that reflect their growing connection and mastery of their Form. The changes exhibited are very similar to that of Etherstalkers, albeit less severe.

Form of the Earth

Those who follow the Form of the Earth are individuals who can harness the earth beneath their feat, and the raging inferno further below, utilizing stone and fire in order as a means of offense and defense. Those who have an affinity for the Form of the Earth are often strong-willed individuals that do not shirk the prospect of pain. Their skills allow them to serve as the Vanguards against stronger opponents, striking down their foes and protecting their allies.   Those who follow this Form will begin to see noticeable changes to their body faster than any other Form. Their skin will begin to gain a certain resilience, and patches of skin will become covered in naturally forming granite that provides exceptional natural armor, further cementing their durability and strength on the front lines.

Form of the Ocean

The Form of the Ocean is comprised of individuals who embody the might and serenity of the water that surrounds all of Ferox, using ice and water to help them gracefully maneuver throughout the battlefield to finesse their opponents. Those who go pursue the Form of the Ocean tend to be skilled and graceful warriors that prioritize technique, rather than strength. Their abilities allow them to move around the battlefield with ease and control the flow of combat. They make excellent field commanders due to the necessity of reflexes and reasoning that comes with their abilities.   Elementalists of the Ocean are the only practicing Elementalists who do not experience physical alterations as a result of their training, it has been determined that this is due to the fact that a majority of their bodies are already composed of water.

Form of the Storm

The Form of the Storm is comprised of individuals who channel the awe-inspiring might of the clouds above, utilizing lightning and thunder to cut down their foes with unmatched speed and accuracy. Elementalists of the Storm tend to be very focused individuals that prioritize efficiency and ensure no movement is unnecessary, and no energy is wasted. Their speed and power allow them to pressure their opponents with relentless attacks or aggravating hit-and-run tactics. Their versatility allows them to fill almost any role.   Those who follow this form will find that it is only once they have begun to reach a fairly significant state of mastery that any physical changes will occur. In most cases, they will find their body to hold a constant "charge". Their hair will stand on end, or their skin might leave behind faint traces of electricity.

Form of the Heavens

Those who pursue the Form of the Heavens are individuals who have devoted their body and soul to the pursuit of Yune’s blessings, wielding holy energy to vanquish evildoers and inspire their allies in combat. Those who practice the Form of the Heavens are often very passionate and driven individuals that watch over their allies. Their powers work best as rear support, covering any areas in a formation that might otherwise be lacking, though due to the inherent nature of most who follow this form, they will be very quick to jump to the front lines when necessary.   Elementalists of the Form of the Heavens experience small but noticeable changes rather quickly. Typically, these Elementalists will find that their eyes become a more brilliant hue, this will be followed by more lustrous skin, and eventually a pleasant yet powerful voice.

Form of Decay

  The Form of Decay is practiced by those who have an uncanny familiarity with death and rot, utilizing powerful acids and poisons to decompose the flesh, blood, and steel of any who would stand in their way. Contrary to expectations, these Elementalists tend to be fairly grounded individuals, though their calm demeanor is often misinterpreted as gloomy. They have an intimate knowledge of the fragility and brevity of life, and many who follow this form come to obtain a great appreciation for those around them.   The Form of Decay is most effective in pressuring an opponent, but unlike the Form of the Storm which assaults the enemy and drives them back, the Form of Decay pressures the opponent to attack. Their skills will slowly chip away at an opponent's strength, weakening them as the fight goes on, breaking their focus and forcing them to go on a reckless offensive. The Form of Decay is often considered to be one of the most powerful Forms amongst the Elementalists, as their abilities are able to shine in nearly any situation.   Elementalists of the Form of Decay experience physical changes fairly quickly. The presence of decay and rust affects them on a cellular level with their body becoming partially metallic, and their skin developing noticeable patches of rust.

Form of Mutation

The Form of Mutation is comprised of the rare few with talent as an Elementalist, but who share (or lack) an affinity for any particular path. As a result, they are able to utilize various skills and techniques from all of the Forms before it, in order to serve as a powerful amalgamation of elemental prowess. Those who practice this Form are extremely rare and the skills and techniques that they cultivate vary wildly from person to person. Regardless of how they choose to hone their Form, they are exceptionally versatile and powerful warriors.
An Elementalist of the Form of the Ocean
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