Tenalla Genheis

Tenalla is a seemingly stern and studious woman with a talent for Hemocraft and magic. She is a fairly imposing-looking individual, and those who initially meet her will probably think her to be a cold individual as she does not mince words and will rarely speak unless spoken to. However, the reality is that she is an extremely kind-hearted person.   Her brevity and curtness aren't out of hostility, it is actually due to nerves, particularly around those that she doesn't know. She simply masks that nervousness through the use of curt dialogue. This is due to the fact that she possesses drow heritage and has been repeatedly taught by her parents to be wary of those she doesn’t know, that discrimination will be ever-present.   Once you get past her facade, you will find a curious and kind individual who deeply cares for those around her. Her inhibitions seem to evaporate upon the consumption of alcohol, and she will be extremely talkative after only a few drinks. This carries the benefit of her being very warm around those she likes when drunk, and ruthless around those she does not.   She is a Blood Hunter who was inducted into the Order of the Profane Soul upon her graduation, despite her original desire to join the Order of the Ghostslayer. Her goal is to one day become a Hell Walker and become a part of the first successful expedition into the Hellgates.   She prefers the use of a Longbow, alongside a wand used as a magical focus that was given to her by her parents. Upon her Graduation, she received an enchanted bow from her squad leader, Itric, that would allow her to store and summon the bow at will. In return, Tenalla gifted Itric with a hand-drawn picture of their squad.   Tenalla was tasked with recovering an artifact of the Progenitor Era. A sword that, should the records be correct, exponentially increased the power of Hemocraft. Tenalla would not be allowed to truly return to Kilvas until she procured the item or obtained significant information regarding its status. If she could not, as long as she could properly prove her effort in finding the artifact, her pilgrimage would be considered complete after 50 years had passed.
Chaotic Good
Dark Brown
Short, Platinum
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Notable Relationships
Reis Sangiolune
Shirata Kahn
Itric Lancer
Lonn Murta


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