Craftsmen's Corner Settlement in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Craftsmen's Corner

"If you are what you make, this corner is where the true leaders of Avraathe earn their keep."
  Above all else, this corner of the city is the bustling and sleepless portion of Avraathe that is filled with the sound of chisels against stone and hammers against steel.  

Locations in Craftmen's Corner



  Thendrul's Taps  


  Anvil's All: A giant storehouse of a dozen different blacksmiths and metalworkers who share a single space rather than competing for foot traffic throughout different sections of the ward. The smiths themselves, while competitive and constantly trying to one-up each other, generally work together as part of the Craftsmen Collective and thus see the benefit of providing customers all of their options in one massive store.   Thread and Needle: A relatively small shop that offers simple, no-frills tunics and outfits for comfort and ease of use.   Srindrac's Stones:   The Heavy Hammer: The tool store many makers frequent and use as a place to chitchat and catch up on news and new techniques. Operated by Zizzurm, one of the few half-orcs in the Craftmen's ward.  


  Craftmen's Collective: The guild's base of operation sits near Thendrul's Taps in the middle of the district with their meetings often spilling over into the tavern as the evening grows long. Not more than a few meeting halls and offices for the leaders of the collective, the building serves as a general meeting space for anyone in the community needing to hash out contract details or to self-police disputes.   Deventh's Home: Leader of the Crafmen's Collective, his home sits in the corner of the ward closest to the Talon's Barracks. With rumors of increased activity in the mountains, he is working on an initiative to ramp up production of weapons and armor for the Talons of Justice.


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