Platinum Scales Organization in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Platinum Scales

"Justice is the scale that weighs each of our hearts and coin purses alike. We serve for the betterment of Avraathe and the glory of Bahamut."
  • Judge Veskis of Clan Suldrembrod, reciting the opening declaration during a civil dispute court session.
  •   The Platnium Scales serve as the measure and judges of the implementation of the holy decrees based down by the Keeper's Council. In this role they serve as traditional justices, as well as those responsible for determining how to enforce decrees that are more open-ended or prophetic visions than policy outlines.   The Platinum Scales also manage the finances and fulfill other municipal duties such as evaluating the city's infrastructure, trade agreements, and operate, along with the Talons of Justice, the sole and often unused prison beneath the Platinum Keep, the massive stone castle of ornate decor and religious depictions where most of their business is carried out on a daily basis.
    Geopolitical, Theocracy
    Controlled Territories
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