SS.2.1 Claw of Fate Plot in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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SS.2.1 Claw of Fate

Session Preface

  Stepping forward onto the glowing and humming portal, the runes of eldtrich sigils swirl and blur around you until you feel your body floating through tunnels of arcane magic. You feel physically weightless, though the mental and emotional toll the last two days have taken continue to weigh heavy on your spirit.   As the magic fades, you feel your form steady and present once more. At first, you consider yourself in the same dreaded realm as before, the same stairwell of shadowy stairs of the jails below the Platinum Keep. But the world's color once more returns into view, slowly, as if leaking back into the corner of your eye and spreading through the stone walls. The dark blue distant light of late evening or early morning drifts into this basement landing through the stairwell above you.   Vorothruun, as a semblance of external normality returns, there is an unsettling and pulsing gravitational pull that feels like a dull ache. The sensation starts behind your onyx eye and rolls through your body in waves. You feel tethered to multiple points all at once through some unseen threads of longing and power. The first of these tethers feels near, like a tugging urgency of sharpened awareness. The end point of this tether feels as though it is directly below you somewhere deeper buried under stone and sorcery. A second tether pulls you West and upward, through clouds looming over a familiar city. The third tugs your mind Southwest to a bustling merchant's ward in a coastal metropolis. A fourth, while discernible, seems a more distant and strained connection you cannot place.   As you process these new senses, the recognizable echo of platinum boots against stone above your head brings you back to your immediate surroundings and the strange sense of being home after such a journey.  

Session Summary

  Parathrax and Vorothruun arrive in Avraathe following their harrowing journey through the shadow demi-plane prison. Vorothruun is immediately met with new internal awareness of the presence of the remaining components of The Crown.   Upon finding themselves in the stairwell of the Platinum Keep, they manage to make simple disguises and sneak their way to the Merchant's Ward. Spending the night at the Traveler's Trove, Parathrax fell into a deep and restful sleep while Vorothruun stayed up plotting and planning.   When he did finally rest, Vorothruun experienced a vision in which he found himself in an unfamiliar prison cell and restrained. In the cell across from him a human in simple tattered black cloth robes held a bloddied nine-tail whip and had open wounds suggesting they were the results of self-flagellation.   Upon waking in the morning, the dragonborn brothers quickly visit Thread & Thistle, choosing simple tunics and trousers that would have them pass for basic merchants. Using this disguise, they manage to make their way undetected to Parathraaj's simple home in the Temple Ward. During their travels, the brother's notice a greater presence of the same armed guards in blue armor causing trouble among the lower members of society. Further, it seems the magical effects throughout the city powered by the Exoucia are inactive, which is abnormal. After a moment of gathering his courage and a dispute over how they would handle seeing their father after two years, Parathrax led the way into their childhood home and their father's study.   After the initial tension and exchanged barbs between estranged sons and father, Parathraaj provides a brief overview of the recent years in Avraathe after his two sons departed. He reveals to Parathrax the War of the Silver Marches that took place in his absence and implied some not insignificant part of the loss could have been prevented had Parathrax's superior tactical mind been making the decisions during that time. As a result, Parathraaj notes the Platinum Scales have taken the opportunity to draft their own independent policing force colloquially referred to as The Scalers who wear deep blue leather armor and lord their authority over the rest of the civilians.   Once the time for speaking concludes, a tense struggle between the three dragonborns breaks out in which Parathraaj strikes Vorothrrun and Parathrax attempts to quell the entire struggle. During the battle, Endriel Magkas overhears the dispute and seeing Vorothruun being attacked, uses his arcane arrow to temporarily banish Parathraaj and tries to get a better understanding of what has taken place. Upon returning to the plane, Parathraaj manages to severly injure Vorothruun and causes Parathrax to be frightened of him, but ultimately is defeated by another well-placed arrow of Endriel and the self-protecting magic of Vorothruun.   After another exchange questioning the meaning of worthiness and legacy, Parathraaj is finally killed by Vorothruun. Parathrax immediately heals the unconscious form of his father, but upon doing so sees the blues scales melt away into an amorphous blue mesh of skin and take the form of a doppelgänger. The brothers immediately take it hostage and question it in a zone of truth. This conversation reveals the following information:  
  • Parathraaj is alive and being kept in the Lady's Hand Monestary
  • The Feathered sought to use Parathraaj to retrieve the Claw from his vault, but have been unable to determine the keyphrase to open the final door.
  • The physical key of the vault was discovered in a secret compartment under Parathraaj's desk.
  • The Feathered are led by a drow by the name of Malus.
  • Malus was not involved in the War of the Silver Marches
  Once the zone of truth wears off, Parathrax crushes the remaining life out of the doppelganger with a steel boot to the spine and the party, the brothers as well as Endriel make plans and preparations for traveling to Lady's Hand Monastery to find Parathraaj. In the process, Endriel was sent to the Library of Libations in the Augurium to see if Beldan Runehammer, the proprietor and longtime friend of both Parathrax and Vorothruun would be willing to meet with them. Beldan, imagining this the beginning of an adventure, shatters the glass case around his namesake warhammer and departs.   An excitable and boisterous Beldan and Endriel make their way back to Parathraaj's home where the dwarf confirms the history presented by Parathraaj. After a brief conversation about their next step, the brothers and their new elven companion say farewell to Beldan and begin the treacherous trek up Ladypeak towards the Monastrey to find their father and the next step of this fated journey towards truth.
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