Platinum Keep Building / Landmark in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Platinum Keep

The massive stone keep rising over the Eastern horizon between the Merchant's Ward and Garden Ward serves as the most prominent government building within the city of Avraathe.   As the base of operation for the Platinum Scales, the structure serves many roles including the city's bank and vault, the often underutilized jail, courtroom, and seat of power for those who manage the finances and infrastructure.   Bank and Vault: On the third level of the basement, the Platinum Scales provide a number of safes and vaults available for secure storage with secrecy provided as a premium service. A modest interest is also provided on all coin deposits in exchange for the city having access to the surplus value for improving the city's roads and services. The vaults require the owner to be present in person as well as to provide a physical key and secret phrase that will open the magically sealed locks. There are also rumors of other magical defenses that have never been confirmed nor denied by the Scales nor the guards who serve special appointments to protect the vaults.   Jail: On the first floor of the basement of the Platinum Keep, a series of holding cells lies often half-empty. Most frequently, individuals are held when they have had too much to drink and acted belligerently. Occasional criminals who break religious laws will serve weeklong sentences of penance and repentance. Solitary confinement cells were created for those who had committed violent crimes or otherwise posed a risk to the greater city, but these have been used as storage for many years.   Courtroom: The vaulted-ceiling stone room with stained-glass windows depicting heroic feats of legendary citizens of Avraathe is further adorned with a large platinum-cast seating booth for the seven judges who serve lifetime appointments. In contrast, the defendants booth of simple unadorned stone further serves the purpose of creating a power dynamic and position of inferiority.
Government complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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