Waterdeep Settlement in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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The City of Splendors. The Crown of the North. Within these ancient walls, in the shadow of a towering mountain, civilizations have risen and fallen along with the tide beyond the harbor. Beneath its bustling streets lies buried dungeons and dangers beyond any adventurer's dreams. And above, the world spins with a dizzying array of activity. This diverse and dynamic cosmopolitan features both the beautiful and resplendent luxuries life has to offer as well as the difficulty and struggle of survival, often within earshot of one another. It is before this backdrop of urban existence where countless stories of the mundane and magical alike unfold each day in the city of Waterdeep.   Two years ago, the great city was beseiged by an unremitting army of skeletal monstrosities. While the tides were eventually turned by the noble heroics of citizens and adventurers alike, the scars from the events can still be felt throughout much of the city. Solemn marches of memorial takes place in Marpenoth to commemorate the extensive lost of innocent life. Many builds remain hollowed ruins or half-repaired shells of their former glory.

“The destruction started in the Dock Ward and Southern Ward. Of course it hit some of the poorest citizens the hardest. Sure, it hit the fleets of the wealthy merchants too, but all that meant was the folks who lost their homes also lost their work."

"The worst of the army made it as far inward as The Honorable Knight. By the time the status awoke, it was fighting off skeletons like we might deal with a swarm of ants. Stomping and smashing through the streets, unaware of the concept of collateral damage, even for one so honorable. Wound up turned around and tumbling through the Trades Ward. A pity, considering they might have otherwise had a similar fortune as the North Ward, being so inward."

"The Lady Dreaming was the first to wake, but that didn’t mean the Castle Ward avoided the damage. So many of the skeletons could fly right over the mountain, descending upon Castle Waterdeep and a number of guildhalls. Hard to rebuild the city when you lose some of your best craftsmen."

"It’s a sick joke that the Sea Ward and North Ward saw the least damage or loss of life. The rich stay rich, their wealth magnified by the loss of others with much less to spare. Sure, the Sea Ward saw some of the conflict, but when you have temples full of clerics and holy orders, you stand a much better chance than the rest of us. And the North Ward, well, maybe that’s the first time the lower upper class felt like they picked the right neighborhood. Nay a drop of blood or rotten bone reached the High Road.”

—Excerpts from Necropalypse, An Oral History


Humans 64%
Dwarves 10%
Elves 10%
Halflings 5%
Half-elves 5%
Gnomes 3%
Half-orcs 2%
Others 1%


Open Lord Masked Lords Lord's Alliance


City Watch: Police and enforcement. Green, Black, and Gold uniforms. Equipped with leather armor, clubs, and short swords. Prefer peaceful resolution, sound horns for back-up. Headquartered in Castle waterdeep.   Blade: diagonal slash (lower left to upper right)
Sword: diagonal slash (upper left to lower right)
Swordcaptain: X shape (crossed diagonal slashes)
Rorden: horizontal dagger (hilt on left)
Orsar: vertical open human right hand, fingers uppermost and palm showing
Guardsword: two horizontal swords, upper one with hilt right, lower one with hilt left
All higher ranks: two staring eyes, horizontal sword beneath them (hilt on left)
    City Guard: Headquartered in Castle Waterdeep. Professional soliders responsible for its defense, protecting the gates, and guarding important citizens and locations. Wear scale or chain shirts, carrying short swords and or short bows.   Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors: All wizards and sorcerers are required to join this pseudo-guild in order to practice magic in Waterdeep. With recent laws, they are under close scrutiny. Guild fee is 400gp. Members can purchase rare magical components and items at the Tower of the Order, headquarters.

Wards of Waterdeep

Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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