Forgotten realms Heroes of Durindale Timeline
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Heroes of Durindale

  • 1491

    Vorothruun's Execution
    Life, Supernatural

    "Vorothruun of Clan Verthisathurgeish, you are hereby sentenced to death for the despicable crime of heresy against the Church and Holy Order of the Platinum Dragon. You have been found guilty of seeking and communing with powers beyond the merciful justice of Avraathe and are considered a threat to the wellbeing of this community. May you find the merciful justice of Bahamut which you have disregarded in this material life in the one beyond. May the Platinum Dragon have mercy on your sou - what, what is happening?! Someone stop him!" | Captain Lautrec of Clan Dradke, of the Platinum Order

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  • 1491



    Blood & Bones

    Two mages, a blood mage and necromancer respectively, ignited an arms race to lay claim to power and position up for grabs. The first heroes of Durindale defeated Anguin, who had taken hold of political leadership of Neverwinter, and raced to Neverwinter to prevent an undead army besieging the City of Splendors.

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  • 1491


    Necropocalypse of Waterdeep
    Military action

    "Just a ways past the dock, the biggest army I've ever seen. Nothing but bones, the lot of 'em. Dragon too. They never attacked, though. Just a lot of shouting and then some big fight between the mage and three adventurers. Four if you count the wolf. Just like out of the stories nan would tell, the good guys won and we went on with our lives. Now the whole city is in a tizzy about magic this and magic that. But that's none of my business, aye."

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  • 1492

    1 /1

    31 /12

    The Year of Settling Grass

    After a season of upheveal following the power struggle between Anguin and Meric, the heroes of Durindale spend the year of relative peace exploring, learning, and growing, unaware of the dangers brewing elsewhere.

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  • 1492


    The Ordning is Broken

    Across the Sword Coast, Giants begin to set plans into motion as to how they will fill the power vacuum left in the wake of their social hierarchy's newfound volatility.

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  • 1493

    12 /2

    Tristain's Death and Resurrection
    Life, Supernatural

    As the sun continues to rise, you wait, your breath caught in your throat, to see if Tristain’s eyes open to the morning light once more.

  • 1493


    The Ordning is Restored

    Following the exposing and defeat of Iymrith, the Ordning of Giants is restored.

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  • 1493

    6 /7

    10 /7

    A Simple Delivery
    Criminal Activity

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  • 1493

    9 /7

    Conscription of Pax
    Life, Career
  • 1493

    10 /7

    The Ascension of Aethuriel
    Life, Career
  • 1493

    10 /7

    Tristain's Ascension to Paladin
    Life, Organisation Association
  • 1493

    10 /7

    Fall of Sundabar & Defeat of the Platinum Order
    Military action

    "Yes, Justice Suldrembrod, that's correct. When we found what was left of the Platinum Order, they were desperately huddled together like the civilians they tried to save. So many already dead, too many to bury honorably. Torn apart by dragon's claws, crushed by giants clubs, or otherwise destroyed by drow magic or orcish blade. Such is the fate of foolish heroics in the name of blind faith, if you ask me. The survivors owe their lives to the power of the Augurium." | Chauncer of Clan Teidrath, Headmaster of the Augurium

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    Platinum Order
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  • 1493


    Augury Stolen
    Life, Crime

    "We have no new intel to report, Judge. At this time all we can confirm is the Augury is considered to be missing as of the evening prior. Interviews with all relevant parties are under way, but thus far have revealed no new leads. Members of the Augurium continue to work in the streets and mines to restore functionality to the most necessary operations the Augury provided. My apologies for the lack of concrete updates at this time." | Grellen of Clan Thaldrash, Headmaster's Aide of the Augurium

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    SS.2.3 A Father's Gift
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  • 1493

    24 /8

    Arkmenos Thwarted
    Criminal Activity
  • 1493


    The Crown of Ragnalla Completed
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Vorothruun becomes the chosen of Ragnalla after scouring the Sword Coast for the components of an ancient relic, The Crown, allowing him to commune with the ancient eldritch terror. In the process, the heroes of Durindale defeat Malus, a proxy of Cyric, the god of lies who is revealed to have deceived Vorothruun so he would gather the pieces of the crown on his behalf.

    More reading
    SS.0.1 Blades & Books
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  • 1493

    5 /9

    The First Champions of Everlund
    Life, Achievement/ Win
  • 1493

    17 /9

    Folio Thwarted
    Life, Career

    The Triad defeat Folio, the Gith assassin, and his band of pirates in Neverwinter, saving Second from the Cyricist's plot.

  • 1493

    18 /9

    Tristain Departs for Chult
    Discovery, Exploration

    Tristain experiences a vision revealing his father remains trapped as a restless spirit in Chult. The young Knight departs for Chult to save his father and learn how the dangers he faced are connected to the threat posed by Draxhar.

  • 1493

    1 /10

    A Simple Contract
    Life, Milestone

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  • 1494

    12 /2

    Avraathe Restored
    Political event

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  • 1494

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    15 /7

    Vorothruun's Tower Construction
    Construction beginning/end

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  • 1494

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    6 /9

    Parathrax's Keep Construction
    Construction beginning/end

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