Forgotten realms+ Campaign Timeline - Horrors in Halruaa Timeline

Campaign Timeline - Horrors in Halruaa

Year of the Tired Horsemen

860 860

  • 860 DR

    Halruaan Wizard War
    Military: War

    The mageocracy of Halruaa can no longer peacefully contain the drifting ideologies of the wizard elders. The established laws of magical safeguards were placed on themselves to prevent them from destroying themselves just as the great Netheril Empire did so long ago but growing numbers of wizard elders want to push for freedom of magical practices. The conflict arose from a secret faction of elders pushing arcane experiments that are too extreme even for the old Netherese Empire are eventually discovered. This leads to a magical civil war with each side fighting for control of the council of elders and Halruaa. The renegades were forced out of the kingdom and eventually, settled in time founding Thay.

Year of the Exploding Orl

861 861

  • 861 DR

    Knights of the Sacred Flame Founded

    Tarna Flamefist becomes a Saint and founds the religious order Knights of the Sacred Flame. Serving Halruaa and the church of Amauntor in the civil war against the dark wizards who attempted to overthrow Halruaa, she inspired and led those of her faith against the enemies of Halruaa. The paladins and clerics that followed her into battle were crucial in destroying the powerful dark wizards and the abominations they unleashed on Halruaa. The Halruaan Council of Elders supports the creation of her order as another check on themselves to prevent dark wizardry from taking hold in their ranks. The Knights of the Sacred Flame serve as a watcher to route out wizards who begin to practice dark magic which has been forbidden by the law of Halruaa.

Year of the Tightening Fist

1072 1074

  • 1074 DR

    Edicts of Lumen
    Political event

    The Elders and Netyarch of Halruaa continue to see the complications of their mageocracy and move to adopt a strong centralized government that is separated from magic practices. They ratify their laws to pave the way for a government that continues to embrace the ideals of their fine nation but allows the nobles to rule more over the non-magical affairs of Halruaa. They adopt a constitution known as the Edicts of Lumen, which separates these responsibilities and ends the reigns of mage-kings. This creates a noble republic senate with a monarch king to rule most of the affairs of the land while allowing the council of archmage elders led by a High Elder to focus on the rule over the magical affairs of the land.

Year of the Tressym

1263 1263

  • 1263 DR

    Halruaa Relocates Capital
    Political event

    The Halruaa reformation from a magocratic oligarchy to a republic monarchy continues. The crowned monarchy House von Kessel relocates the capital from Halagard to Halarahh for defensive purposes and provides an independent seat of power for House nobles to govern more efficiently.

Year of Rogue Dragons

1373 1373

  • 1373 DR

    Second Halruaan Wizard War
    Military: War

    Legendary archmage Akhlaur, is only interested in increasing his power through research of dangerous magic and accidentally opens a permanent gateway to the Elemental Plane of Water which he was lost to for some time. His experiments and return from the Elemental plane had driven him insane and he begins a war with Halruaa. He ends up battling the Grand Elder archmage himself Zalathorm Kirkson, in which in a grand terrifying display of magic they end each other's life.

Year of Lightning Storms

1374 1374

  • 1374 DR

    The Deliverance of Amauntor

    Amaunator the ancient Netherese solar deity of order, the sun, law, and time returns from a dormant state with the "Deliverance". This takes place in the form of visions to those who revere aspects of the Amauntor portfolio and aggressively urges them to seek the path of Amaunator sun faith. This causes schisms in the faith of Lathander as they begin to lose many of their own faith. From their interpretations, many Amaunator & Lathander sects are created and existing ones begin to have radical changes.

  • 1374 DR

    28 Tarsakh

    The Followers of the Falling Fire Founded

    Lucretia Mathias of Halruaa, a Flamekeeper of the Knights of the Sacred Flame, and a devoted follower of the Amauntor faith is touched by the Deliverance of Amauntor. She begins to speak of fringe beliefs and a celestial prophecy that are apocalyptic omens. Despite her reputation, her visions were dismissed as an apocalyptic fantasy and largely suppressed at the time.   The mainstream clergy have excommunicated Lucretia Mathias and branded her followers as an insane cult with heretical beliefs and blasphemous practices. Even still, masses of devout commonfolk now embark on a dangerous pilgrimage to Halruaa to take their place in a divine plan. The Followers of the Falling Fire is founded.

Year of Blue Fire

1385 1385

  • 1385 DR

    28 Tarsakh

    Halruaa devestated by the Spellplague
    Disaster / Destruction

    The arcane rich nation of Halruaa is devastated by the Spellplague. Waves of Spellplague strongly rip through the Weave causing heavy wild magic activity in the area, in such a catastrophic way causing meteors of Spellplague fire to rain down across the nation, warping and removing large sections of land, creating tidal waves, and causing explosions that were felt as far as Waterdeep. Those lands left behind were transformed into one of the most virulent plaguelands. Those who dared to explore the lands of Halruaa in the following years risked being infected by Halruaan Consumption.

The Wailing Years

1392 1392

  • 1392 DR

    1400 DR

    The Kessel Wars
    Military: War

    With the Halruaan royal family assumed dead, Mannfred von Kessel, the next heir in line declares himself the king of Halruaa only to be challenged by the more popular younger sister Cecilia von Kessel. This political maneuvering ultimately spills into a civil war between eastern Traditionalist forces that support Mannfred von Kessel and western Reformation forces that support Cecilia von Kessel. The war would go on for eight years resulting in the loss of much Halruaan blood only to end suddenly with both heirs assassinated

Year of the Exorcised Helm

1401 1402

  • 1402 DR

    Hooded Lanterns Founded

    With the fate royal line unknown, Halruaa is slowly disintegrating into a realm of squabbling fiefdoms, yet some of the fractured nobility hold a glimmer of hope in restoring the nation and rebuilding the capital. They combine resources to form the 4th Provisional Expeditionary Force to Reclaim the Captial and appoint the decorated civil war hero Elias Drexel as the Lord Commander. This guerilla regiment was nicknamed after magical lamps carried by the old city watch: the Hooded Lanterns.

Year of the Sceptered One

1404 1404

  • 1404 DR

    Halarahh Reclamation Begins
    Military: War

    Multiple military operations have attempted to retake the capital of Halarahh since the Year of Blue Fire. Each has ended in miserable failure, and the contaminated ruins have swallowed thousands of soldiers' lives. What remains of these assaults are merely twisted monsters and undead monstrosities form from the risen corpses of these regiments. Under the leadership of Lord Commander Elias Drexel, the Hooded Lanterns have finally broken the losing streak of previous military operations. Rather than making an all-out assault on the ruins, they have taken a methodical approach. After spending nearly a year carefully scouting out the ruins, they began clearing out important fortifications in the city to use as staging grounds for future operations.

Year of the Golden Mask

1405 1405

  • 1405 DR

    Queen's Men Founded

    When the Hooded Lanterns arrived in Halarahh a few years ago, they resolved to restore order. Presenting a united front against the fractious outlaws, the Hooded Lanterns met with early success in driving out the more violent and bloodthirsty among them. Then, an enigmatic figure emerged. This self-proclaimed “Queen of Thieves” used assassination, trickery, intimidation, and guile to reshape the disparate gangs into a budding criminal empire. Her plots have sabotaged many important Hooded Lanterns operations, and the Lord Commander believes the Queen of Thieves blackmailed several of his important backers into withdrawing their support.

Year of the Blackened Moon

1406 1406

  • 1406 DR

    9 Uktar

    Athan Gilmore seeks the Divine Registry
    Diplomatic action

    The adventurers come together meeting the "White Hawk", Athan Gilmore, an aging renowned noble who served as a commander for the Central Alliance in the Kessel Wars. He has paid the adventurers to seek the "Divine Registry" in the "Ilysium" in the ruins of the once-capital city Halarahh. He offers a reward 50 skie (gp) for each season archive book retrieved and returned with a bonus 100 skie (gp) for a full-year set.

  • 1406 DR

    10 Uktar
    1406 DR

    17 Uktar

    Journey to Emberwood

    The adventurers find travel with a trade caravan, Marlowe's Supplies, delivering much-needed supplies to the village of Emberwood just north of Halarahh. The adventurers' travels are assaulted by desperate villagers turned bandits and encounter a failed expedition from Halarahh learning of the current events in the region.

  • 1406 DR

    18 Uktar

    Arrival in Emberwood
    Diplomatic action

    The adventurers successfully protect Eren Marlowe and the trade caravan and arrive in the village of Emberwood. The village is active with the recent arrival of trade caravans and a mysterious sudden blooming of Sunflower fields throughout the town which have never grown in the region since the coming of the Spellplague. The adventurers meet several locals and factions.

  • 1406 DR

    19 Uktar

    The Amethyst Hunt

    Accepting a quest from the Amethyst Academy to hunt an Ankheg, the adventurers travel west from Emberwood Village to meet Nimble Quill, a Tabaxi wizard. After a short search the party meets Zibbok Zitblot, the "goblin talker", of the Mangled Toe tribe. They are ambushed and defeat a pair of Ankheg's and Zibbok offers much knowledge for his assistance to return to "Big Rocks" their home.

  • 1406 DR

    20 Uktar

    Big Rocks
    Diplomatic action

    The adventurers, along with Nimble Quill, travel with Zibbok Zitblot to his home at Big Rocks to meet the Mangled Toe chieftain Gob Knucklecrunch. The party learns of the demi-human factions surrounding Emberwood Village and the tribe's knowledge of the Ankheg migration. The adventurers agree to ally with the Mangled Toe by helping them secure the new Ankheg Queen.

  • 1406 DR

    21 Uktar

    A queen of their own

    The adventurers, Nimble Quill, and the Mangled Toe tribe hunt down the new young Ankheg queen. They managed to slay the Ankheg major and the young nest of Ankheg drones to capture the queen.

  • 1406 DR

    22 Uktar

    Return from the T'Killing Fields
    Diplomatic action

    The adventurers return to Emberwood village from the T'Killing Fields. They meet with the Amethyst Academy and provide a major Ankheg and have prepared a stash of a drone Ankheg with Nimble Quill to be retrieved. The adventurers are rewarded for their efforts and informed they will have work for them in the near future.   The adventurers receive a message and are invited to Emberwood Watchtower to speak about work for the Hooded Lanterns. Cpt. Raine Highlash offers the quest to escort Lt. Petra Lang & Lt. Alena Krueger to discuss recruiting members of the refugees to the Hooded Lantern cause to solve the problem of raiding the trade route.

  • 1406 DR

    23 Uktar

    The Masrah of Drowned Tales

    While the adventurers rest from their battle at the farmstead, Zhendrah receives a summons from her patron to the Masrah of Drowned Tales where she converses with the Marid Khedive Bahram. She learns Bahrams interest in the affairs of intrigue in the mortals of Halruaa and is eager to hear Zhendrah's interpretation of the events.

  • 1406 DR

    23 Uktar

    Farmstead Unfriendly Fire

    The adventurers agree to assist the Hooded Lantern and travel to the burnout farmstead northeast of Emberwood. The farmstead has recent fire damage and no signs of a large number of refugees but upon closer inspection, they are ambushed by a group of enemies from fortified positions. They focus their attention on slaying Lt. Petra Lang and after stuttering diplomacy, most of the enemy refugees are slain. The adventurers question the lone surviving refugee bandit, Donovan, for their reasons and learn it was the "Hooded Lanterns" who slaughtered their numbers and burned their home. Surviving refugees appear to have headed further east away from the trade road.

  • 1406 DR

    24 Uktar

    Cudgel Smash!

    The Adventurers continue their escort of Lt. Petra Lang and the Hooded Lanterns despite Lt. Alena Krueger's protest. The band is ambushed by a Queens's Men gang known as "The Cudgels", woodland bandits with plenty of muscle. The bandits with the aid of a pair of ogres inflict heavy damage on the adventurers killing a trio of Hooded Lantern scouts. Distraught but determined the Hooded Lantern split with Lt. Alena Krueger and the survivors take their dead back to Emberwood Village, while Lt. Petra Lang continues on with the adventurers to salvage the mission.

  • 1406 DR

    25 Uktar

    The Swiftriver Scoundrels
    Diplomatic action

    The adventurers and Hooded Lanterns decide with their depleted strength that diplomacy is the only route to handling the refugees. Any sight of danger will result in the abandoning of the mission and returning to Emberwood Village. When the refugees are found, guided by a blue tiefling woman known as "Cordelia" are mid negotiations with another group. Using stealth and gathering information, it is revealed that the other group is river pirates known as "The Swiftriver Scoundrels" led by Captain "Riptide" Rowan. The refugees are selling themselves into servitude for passage out of the area which will likely result in unfair deals but the Hooded Lanterns and the adventurers have little choice to avoid conflict and let the event unfold.

  • 1406 DR

    28 Uktar

    The Lost Recruits

    Despite the tremendous efforts, the Hooded Lanterns return along with the adventurers to Emberwood Village empty-handed. Lt. Petra Lang, even though expecting disciplinary action, will speak to the Hooded Lanterns and promises to secure the adventurer's access to the Sheperd's Gate into Halarahh. They have shown the strength of their ability, as well as the strength of their character, and will be placed on the tariffed allowed access list enabling the adventurers to travel through the Sheperd Gate.

  • 1406 DR

    29 Uktar

    Helpful Meditations

    The adventurers have agreed to help the Followers of the Fallen Fire by protecting pilgrim initiates escorting to a region in the outer wall of Halarahh and guarding them while they meditate. These initiates are non-combatants who are starting on the path to attune to the Delerium Haze that emanates from Halarahh.

  • 1406 DR

    1 Feast of the Moon

    The Feast of the Moon
    Religious event

    The Feast of the Moon, or Moonfest, was an annual festival in the Calendar of Harptos, occurring between the final night of Uktar and the first day of Nightal. It was the last great festival of the calendar year.   A strange portal of darkness opens within the ruins of Eventide Manor in Emberwood Village. The adventurers travel through the mysterious portal into the Shadowfell to destroy an evil within that threatens the village.

  • 1406 DR

    2 Nightal

    Cleansing of Eventide Manor
    Military: Skirmish

    An opening gateway discovered during the Feast of the Moon lead to the Shadowfell reflection of the Eventide Manor in Emberwood Village. As a Shadow Council research site that has been taken over by an eldritch experiment gone wrong, the location was filled with chaos creatures that were threatening to emerge from the gateway into Emberwood. The adventurers defeated both threats of the eldritch beasts and the cleric of Shar to bring safety to Emberwood Village.

  • 1406 DR

    3 Nightal
    1406 DR

    13 Nightal

    Training in Emberwood
    Life, Career

    The party after learning much in their travels decides to spend time training to prepare them for the next leg of their journey. Adventurers find trainers throughout Emberwood or in Buckledown Row just a short travel to the south.   The adventurers compete in the Buckledown Row fighting pits facing the opponents, Glassjaw Jake, Smiley Pete, and Dorian Dare. They are victorious.

  • 1406 DR

    14 Nightal

    Salted Dipolamcy
    Life, Publicity

    The Hooded Lanterns in distress need help to check the growing numbers of Ratmen in the outer city of western Halarahh. When uniting in Buckledown Row they are manipulated by the Queen's Men, Blackjack Mel, into a public promise to deal with the "Beast" of the row that has been murdering victims over the past several ten days.

  • 1406 DR

    15 Nightal

    Welcome to Buckledown Row
    Discovery, Exploration

    The adventurers spend the day in Buckledown Row searching for clues on the "Beast", a creature responsible for many recent people, including children. Speaking to the Queen's Men they gain information of farmstead possible locations and contract allies to assist in the hunt.   The day is interrupted by a strange attack on the people of the row from a group of toffee golem creatures who are quickly finished off by the adventurers.   The adventurers meet with an enclave of Amethyst Academy wizards getting experimental magical items to assist them in their battle against the "Beast of Buckledown Row"

  • 1406 DR

    16 Nightal

    The Beast of Buckledown Row
    Military: Battle

    The adventures set out with guide Eida and their allies from the Pin's and Club's to hunt the beast. After searching several farmhouses and complications with the Cudgel gang resulting in the loss of their Pin's and Club's allies, the adventures find the beast within an abandoned farmhouse and battle the creature slaying it.

  • 1406 DR

    17 Nightal

    Return to Buckledown Row

    The adventurers return to Buckledown Row with the successful head and research of the Beast of the Buckledown Row. They share the fact the beast has not been responsible for the missing children, but have decided to postpone their search for the children until after they tend to other matter. They return to Emberwood, to find the Hooded Lantern's situation has reached a breaking point, and make their way to the outer city of Halarahh.

  • 1406 DR

    18 Nightal
    1406 DR

    21 Nightal

    Battle of Rat Nest Tavern
    Military: Battle

    With the battle that began two days ago the adventurers join the Hooded Lanterns in the southwestern region of Halarahh finding the Lanterns in the middle of an organized retreat. Dozens dead and missing, Captain Ansom Lang has frantically asked the party for their help to find his sister, Lt. Petra Lang, who has been captured by the Ratlings and taken to their larder to eventually be eaten.

  • 1406 DR

    20 Nightal

    The Lost Thirteen

    During the winter solstice, a celestial curse known as the "Long Night" crosses the land on this dark holiday, strengthening and amplifying the grips of curses that affect some unfortunate souls. This night it was observed that the souls of thirteen children where sacrificed and given to Shar out Buckledown Row for some dark purpose.

  • 1406 DR

    21 Nightal

    The Rat Prince's Fall
    Military: Battle

    The Battle of Rat Nest Tavern ends with the adventurers, Hooded Lanterns, and Sacred Flame raiding the nest. Evidence Amethyst Academy marked supply crates fed the ratfolk during the rainy times which is the primary reason for their explosion of numbers. The adventurers slay the Rat Prince throwing the Rat Nest Tavern into chaos as other factions begin to tear themselves apart.

  • 1406 DR

    22 Nightal

    The Armillary Summons (River)

    During the night the adventurers are called by the Armillary of the Bloodied Soul into a mysterious realm. Here in the circle of roiling chaos of shadows and cold the demon known as Mr. Night once again is found. At the center of the scene, a little girl in silken night robes with a bloodied wound on her chest looks at the city of Halarahh pointing to a mysterious purple glow.

  • 1406 DR

    23 Nightal
    1407 DR

    2 Alturiak

    Journeyman Training in Emberwood
    Life, Career

    The party after learning much in their travels decides to spend time training to prepare them for the next leg of their journey. Adventurers find trainers throughout Emberwood or in Camp Dawn just a short travel to the south.

Year of the Halls Unhaunted

1407 1407

  • 1407 DR

    16 Hammer

    The Armillary Summons (Ludwig Graff)

    During the night the adventurers are called by the Armillary of the Bloodied Soul into a mysterious realm. Here in the circle of roiling chaos of shadows and cold the demon known as Mr. Night once again is found. At the center of the scene, a little girl in silken night robes with a bloodied wound on her chest looks at the city of Halarahh pointing to a mysterious purple glow.

  • 1407 DR

    3 Alturiak

    Mason joins the Hooded Lanterns
    Life, Career

    Mason Carver accepts Captain Highlash offer to join as a freelance privateer & open Hooded Lantern soldier. Mason Carver is given a fair amount of autonomy but is expected to follow an officer's lead on matters that concern the Hooded Lanterns.

  • 1407 DR

    4 Alturiak

    Asonia joins the Amethyst Academy
    Life, Career

    Asonia Delva Ortone passes the evaluation council of the Amethyst Academy and is accepted into their ranks as an Apprentice. Master Professor Thordrin Stonewall is proclaimed as her Journey Master for her training.

  • 1407 DR

    5 Alturiak

    Journey to Castle Ostwall

    The adventurers travel to Soggenwatch Post via the Sky Tomb airship, then travel to Castle Ostwall along the raised path with their convoy of allies. Meeting Baron Ostwall and his court, they are informed of the many dangers of the swamp. The party is welcomed at the ancestral lands of Castle Ostwall as long as they behave.

  • 1407 DR

    6 Alturiak

    The Nahaut Tribe
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Adventurers set out from Castle Ostwall to the Nahaut Tribe. Traveling through the harsh thick swamp travel fighting disease and dangers of the swamp, the adventurers arrive by dusk at the village of the Axolian people, Nahaut Village. The only known tribe of their people to trade with outsiders.

  • 1407 DR

    7 Alturiak

    The River Ghalagar

    Using the Nahaut expert river guides, the adventurers travel by canoes down the river Ghalagar to speed up their travel to the southeastern portions of the swamp of Akhlaur. They continue their travel to the village of Ashshaffen, to assist and aid the Knights of the Sacred Flame who are believed to have gone missing within this region.

  • 1407 DR

    8 Alturiak

    The Sunscale Skirmish
    Military: Battle

    The adventurers encounter and battle with the tribe of lizardmen known as the Sunscales, who make peace during the fight claiming they mistook them for the servants of the "Duchess" they war with. Hearing the adventurer's current travel destination they advise them not to go, but make no moves to stop them and even assist them the day travel through the swamp to make amends for their mistake.

  • 1407 DR

    9 Alturiak

    The Ashen Bay
    Discovery, Exploration

    The adventurers arrive at Ashshaffen, also known as Ashen Bay, a quiet fishing village along the Crystal Cove and successfully escort Flame Keeper Bridgett to her requested destination. The party experiences moments of confusion with members of the Sacred Flame who seem to be acting strange and memories of a strange sea beast fill their minds as they lose consciousness.

  • 1407 DR

    10 Alturiak
    1407 DR

    10 Ches

    The Lost Tide
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    The adventurers seem to have forgotten some of their travels as a clear supernatural event has made them forget what appears to be a month of their travel through the Akhlaur Swamp. They have physical evidence of their travels but are left with only a mystery of what has happened during that time.

  • 1407 DR

    16 Alturiak

    The Armillary Summons (Fennic)

    During the night the adventurers are called by the Armillary of the Bloodied Soul into a mysterious realm. Here in the circle of roiling chaos of shadows and cold the demon known as Mr. Night once again is found. At the center of the scene, a little girl in silken night robes with a bloodied wound on her chest looks at the city of Halarahh pointing to a mysterious purple glow.

  • 1407 DR

    11 Ches

    The Battle of Akhlaur's Tower
    Military: Battle

    The adventurers awaken in confusion amid a battle in which they have forgotten the last thirty days of their travels. They are greeted by many allies who seem to be helping them in a battle against the Dreadmire orc tribe, known servants of the Duchess, who are trying to take the tower. The allied forces currently must hold the tower giving enough time for the adventurers to stop the Duchess from taking control of the Flood Gate which is believed to lie somewhere within the tower.

  • 1407 DR

    12 Ches

    Grimbrook's Fall
    Military: Battle

    The betraying actor of the Masarad of Drowned Tales, Grimbrook, is defeated along with his Dreadmine Orc allies. He is taken to the realm of Bahram to face his watery justice. Bahram shares the secrets of the Flood Gate and how to control its power - now it up to them to decide who takes control of the gate.

  • 1407 DR

    13 Ches

    Bahram takes the Flood Gate
    Geological / environmental event

    The Battle of Akhlaur's Flood Gate comes to a close with the Amethyst Academy, the dark wizard Akhlaur, and the Duchess expelled from the control of the Flood Gate. Bahram, the Khedive of Masarad of the Drowned Tales takes control of the gate, sinking the tower to the bottom of the swamp. The swamp of Akhlaur promises never to grow, or shrink, while Bahram holds control. After an audience with Bahram, the adventurers are returned to their realm.

  • 1407 DR

    16 Ches

    Vaults of Akhlaur

    After a brief discussion with Bahram, a reward is given for their part in the battle over the Flood Gate. Allowing the adventurers to return to the vaults of Akhalurs Tower and be given the chance to claim any treasures they wish if they can deal with the guardians there but must leave before the Larakens return.

  • 1407 DR

    17 Ches

    The Armillary Summons (Thomas Odds)

    During the night the adventurers are called by the Armillary of the Bloodied Soul into a mysterious realm. Here in the circle of roiling chaos of shadows and cold the demon known as Mr. Night once again is found. At the center of the scene, a little girl in silken night robes with a bloodied wound on her chest looks at the city of Halarahh pointing to a mysterious purple glow.

  • 1407 DR

    18 Ches

    Proper Burial | Ostwall Cemetery

    Among the treasures discovered in Ahklaur's Tower, the phylactery of Zarifrax, the soul flame lich, has given its treasure to the party without a fight in return for them to find a proper final resting place for the lich. The adventurers head to the Ostwall Cemetery a small travel west of Castle Ostwall.

  • 1407 DR

    21 Ches

    Battle of the Death Lookers
    Military: Skirmish

    The adventurers travel west on information provided by Thomas Odds looking for answers to the mysteries of the Armillary of the Bloodied Soul. Traveling through the perilous Ahklaur's Swamp, they encounter Catoblepas monstrosities and are forced into battle slaying the three creatures.

  • 1407 DR

    22 Ches

    Sunscale Slavers
    Diplomatic action

    Continued travel west through Akhlaur's Swamp the adventurers encounter a Sunscale warband who escorts a dozen, now slaved Dreadmire tribe orcs and goblins. The Sunscales speak to the adventurers peacefully and offer information about the surrounding area before parting ways.

  • 1407 DR

    23 Ches

    Yuck Muck Shakedown
    Military: Skirmish

    The adventurers struggle to find pathways through the swamp and wander into a Yuck Muck tribe shakedown path. The Yuck Muck Bullywugs superior numbers and ranged advantages are not enough to overcome the adventurer's dislike for parting with an attempt to be extorted out of valuable coin and fight the cowardly Bullywugs off.

  • 1407 DR

    26 Ches

    Battle of the Slicing God
    Military: Battle

    The adventurers track down the "Chancellor" with the Queen's Men bounty hunters chasing him - in the hunting grounds of Evisc, the Slicing God. The adventurers battle the Chancellor, the Queen's Men, and the Slicing God in a deadly free-for-all. Unexpectedly the force from Lantan arrives to join the battle adding to the chaos.

  • 1407 DR

    28 Ches

    Awaken on the Gnossis
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    During the Battle of the Slicing God, Latan takes no chances subduing all present and taking the adventurers prisoner. They awaken to discover they are jailed with the Queen's Men and their ally Cosmo has been killed. Drillmaster Reginald Crumplespring speaks of a potential alliance but while alone they manage to escape with assistance from Zarifrax.

  • 1407 DR

    29 Ches

    Intimidation of the Dark suns
    Military action

    The adventurers encounter a group of Sunscale Lizardmen, that bear dark clay markings and are informed by their Sunscale ally, that they are cultist traitors who will only kill them and cannot be reasoned with.  Still weak from the events aboard the L.L.S. Gnossis encounter they bluff and intimidate the Dark Suns to avoid combat.

  • 1407 DR

    30 Ches

    Ritual of the Moon III

    The adventurers perform the ritual of the moon to increase the power of Selune celestial servant Hekas increasing his divine power to now level 3.

  • 1407 DR

    1 Tarsakh

    No Rest at Dishonored's Rest
    Military: Skirmish

    The adventurers arrive at the once-great cemetery, Dishonored's Rest & attempt to find a suitable final resting place for the lich Zarifrax - but each location fails to live up to his expectations. While searching the grounds they are met by the vampire Salvadari who becomes hostile when not delivered the promised spellbook from Akhlaur's Tower.

  • 1407 DR

    2 Tarsakh

    Return to Ostwall

    The adventurer's battle with the vampire Salvadari is interrupted by reinforcements from the Amethyst Academy. They are taken back to Castle Ostwall were they rest and inform various contacts of the recent events encountered in the swamps of Akhlaur.

  • 1407 DR

    3 Tarsakh
    1407 DR

    28 Tarsakh

    Journeyman Training in Ostwall
    Life, Career

    The party after learning much in their travels decides to spend time training to prepare them for the next leg of their journey. Adventurers find trainers throughout Castle Ostwall, the nearby countryside of the Swamp of Akhlaur, or with the Amethyst Academy in remote regions of Halruaa.

  • 1407 DR

    15 Tarsakh

    The Armillary Summons (Bradshaw)

    During the night the adventurers are called by the Armillary of the Bloodied Soul into a mysterious realm. Here in the circle of roiling chaos of shadows and cold the demon known as Mr. Night once again is found. At the center of the scene, a little girl in silken night robes with a bloodied wound on her chest looks at the city of Halarahh pointing to a mysterious purple glow.

  • 1407 DR

    16 Tarsakh
    1407 DR

    30 Tarsakh

    Stirge Emergence
    Population Migration / Travel

    As the swarms of Stirges emerge from their watery nurseries, they blanket the skies in a dark, ominous cloud, descending upon unsuspecting towns and villages with relentless fervor. The arrival of the Stirges heralds a time of heightened danger and vigilance, as the people of Halruaa brace themselves for the inevitable onslaught of these voracious predators.

  • 1407 DR

    29 Tarsakh

    Ostwall Honors - Festival of Blue Fire
    Religious event

    The Festival of Blue Fire marks the anniversary of the Falling Fire that brought the destruction of Halarahh along with the Spell Plague that wrecked Halruaa and many other parts of the world.

  • 1407 DR

    30 Tarsakh

    Ritual of the Moon IV

    The adventurers perform the ritual of the moon to increase the power of Selune celestial servant Hekas increasing his divine power to now level 4.

  • 1407 DR

    1 Greengrass

    Ostwall hosts Rites of Pain
    Religious event

    Greengrass was a festival to welcome the first day of spring. Traditionally, the wealthier people brought out flowers to give to the less wealthy, who either wore them or spread them on the ground to encourage the deities to usher in the summer. At Castle Ostwall the worshipers of Loviatar celebrate the Rite of Pain and Purity by dancing in a circle upon broken glass or other sharp objects.

  • 1407 DR

    1 Mirtul
    1407 DR

    12 Mirtul

    Latan Celebrates Ippensheir
    Religious event

    Ippensheir was an annual twelve-day celebration of the Church of Gond. It was named for Saint Ippen. During this time, it was said that sometimes Saint Ippen would appear before Gondar that were in need. While at these sites the Gondar would share their innovations, exhibit their inventions, as well as speak of those they had witnessed to their fellow Gondar. They also held feasts, drank much, and engaged in general revelry.

  • 1407 DR

    2 Mirtul
    1407 DR

    21 Mirtul

    Journeyman Training in Ostwall - II
    Life, Career

    The party after learning much in their travels decides to spend time training to prepare them for the next leg of their journey. Adventurers find trainers throughout Castle Ostwall, the nearby countryside of the Swamp of Akhlaur, or training in Emberwood.

  • 1407 DR

    3 Mirtul

    War of Sorrows
    Military: War

    After centuries of arcane development and wealthy prosperity, the nation of Halruaa weakened by the events of the Spellplague and the day of falling fire has become vulnerable. Jealous rival factions ally in their assault against Halruaa. The refugee gnomes of Lantan in the southern reaches of Halruaa assault Castle Ostwall and several other locations.

  • 1407 DR

    4 Mirtul

    Battle of the Stirges (Aftermath)
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Battle of Castle Ostwall, or as it will also be known, the Battle of the Stirges draws to a close with a pyrrhic victory for the adventures and the denizens of Castle Ostwall. With many lives lost - the adventures and the people begin to heal and rebuild in an effort to push the Stirges out of their home.

  • 1407 DR

    8 Mirtul

    Zarifrax Final Request

    Resting after the Battle of the Stirges and finalizing their affairs in order at Castle Ostwall - they turn their minds to their goals beyond the Swamp of Akhlaur. Kaelnor Yul now declared a maleficent wizard by the Amethyst Academy - Namara Briel is promoted to the new court wizard. Murdoc the Caller uses his conjuration magic to send the adventurers to the cliffside cemetery to find a resting place for the lich Zarifrax but it is found lacking.