Suntown Settlement in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil


Surrounding the Castle District, lies The Suntown district. The place where all the people who work for those in the richer district live. This is a considerable amount of people, due to the slave death, which strongly discourage nobles to have slaves serving them, as they don't last long.  
This district has very little attraction for those who don't live here, as it's mostly composed of houses for working families with a few spotted day to day small businesses, to procure for them. However, those who live here are usually permitted access to the Castle District with the understanding, they are workers there.
This district is patrolled by the same "elite" guards who patrol the castle. This is not done to ensure the citizens' safety, but instead to surveil and profile them. This allows the guards to be able to limit the entrance to the affluent district to only those who need to be there.  

The Gentle suntown

There is also a small area of this district, where the distinction between the Castle District and the Suntown is not clear. This is the area, where some old workers have managed to ascend to a better position, but are unwilling or not yet accepted by those living in the richer settlement. The perception on those who live in the section on the district varies widely from person to person, with some considering them equally foreign to those they live nearby and others claiming how they have stayed "loyal" to the city, even when they have found themselves better off, than their neighbourhood.  
Founding Date
110 AT
Location under


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