Bookshop - School Building / Landmark in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

Bookshop - School

Nairde's house was one of the first few created, together with some farms, as she had on her persona, 4 insta-shelters cyphers, that were deployed when they arrived.   As a result, the core of the house looks like it has been printed in place. It's made from shapestone, a dark blue looking material, with the consistency of granite, and the feel of ceramic. There is one room, clearly attached latter, which is made with the same mahogany colour wood as most of the village, this is the room that is used as school for those who wish to learn to read and write. In an attempt to make the whole more harmonious, short pieces of wood, has been attached to the shapestone core of the house. The attachment wood has been put together with some darks bits, which emulate the shapestone tonalities.   This house does not have a farm attached, it has a small porch, with a small protected shelter, with some books, a little table with a lantern and two comfy looking chairs. It's quite usual to see Nairde here, with other town people, enjoying reading some of her books.   Inside, the core section is divided in two rooms, one small, that Nairde uses to sleep in, normally closed. The bigger room has all the books she owns, some of them in the shelf she has been able to acquire. Many more are forming their own mountains in the floor or above said shelf.   The added room is the biggest of the three, it consists of several small tables with comfortable cushions arranged in a semi-circular manner, where she arranges her classes. In the tables, there are several ink bottles, writing paper and many writing utensil all over the room. There is also several children book, in a small shelf in the corner.
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