Melomyr alehouse Building / Landmark in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

Melomyr alehouse

The Melomyr's alehouse, is actually the main room of one of its residents,Kaoru hardlight , an easygoing individual, with a good taste for both crafting and tasking, food and ale, that draw many to his house to share food and drink, so much so, that one day, he decided to put an alehouse signal in the door.   Most residents, don't pay upon consumption, but more frequently use a barter system, in which Kaoru hardlight receives all the raw materials he needs for the cooking and brewing, whatever recently hunter animals, gather fruit from the forest or after harvest, grain to brew. And provides food and drink for regulars villagers.   If the weather is not conductive of staying outside, the alehouse, also host some entertainment, normally tales regarding old explorers, gathering numenera from the old ones' ruin or songs.   If the city confronts a crisis that need to host a meeting, that can be done in the commons, it will also happen in the alehouse.   The menu, varies, regarding the raw materials Kaoru has got from the different villages, but you normally find:


  • A hot stew, made with either meat of fish and vegetables
  • Some kind of salad, in spring/summer, made with vegetable gathered and the rest of the year, with some of their own grown herbs
  • Dry or fresh made bread


  • Wine with special fruits from previous season
  • Beer from previous season gathered grains
  • Experimental drinks, those are the new varieties, Kaoru hardlight is working on.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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